Pages That Mention Buell
Orderly book for Anthony Wayne, 1794
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morning. Those Officers are to call at Head Quarters at 8 OClock this Evening for further orders
The following detachments composed of the select Companies drafted for Captains Price, Andrews and the fourth of the first SubLegion are to be held in readiness to march at Reveille the day after to morrow furnished with four days provisions and twenty four rounds of ammunition Pr Man- Major Hughes & Hunt are also for this Command- they will receive orders to morrow.
Field Officer for to morrow Major Buell
S. Legionary Major Tillon
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Head Quarters Green Ville 27th Apl 94
Field officer of the Day to Morrow Major Buell Sub Legionary Tilton
Sub Legionary Orders Adjutant for to Morrow McRea For Guard Capt Pike Lt Gregg & Ensign Shanklin
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of SubLegionary Major to the said Corps in the absence of Captain Isaac Guion
Head Quarters Greeneville May 8th 94 Field officer for to morrow Major Buell SubLegionary Major Wade