Pages That Mention S Goodan
Military order book for the 16th Kentucky Militia, 1814
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Fort Malden 10 Nov. 1814
Detachment Orders.
At a General Courtmartial of which Major Kennedy was President, was tried Ensign Heason Talbot of Capt Forest Company, of 16th regt Ky. Mi. Charged by Capt J Ellis as Officer of the Day, on the 9th Oct last viz. 1st for unofficer like Conduct, for sleeping on his post; and 2ndly for refusing to parade the Guard on the 9th Oct A. M. between the hours of 12 & 1 at the Guard fire, when ordered by the Officer of the day- It would appear by the proceedings that the prisoners, Ensign Talbot, Came before the Court to answer to the Charges exhibited against him, and made no objections to any of the members composing it; but here I must observe that the court implicated itself in the further prosecution of their dutyThey proceeded to the examination of witnesses, and the passing of a sentence without putting the prisoner to his place, thereby preventing him from using those advantages which the Law guaranteed him. He will therefore as his trial has not been formal and just, resume his sword and return to the line of his duty
The Court then proceeded to the trial of Lieut. Henry Wood, Charged with unofficer like conduct; for allowing this guard or part thereof, to leave the Guard fire in violation of a positive order of the Officer of the day - But as the court have committed the same error in this trial as as in the foregoing one; Lileut. Wood is therefore or =dered to resume his sword and return to the line of his duty - After which the court proceeded to the trial of Capt S Goodan, Charged with unofficer like conduct, for signing false reports of his company on the mornings of the 4th and 5th Inst To which charge the prisoner pleaded "not guilty"- The Court after mature deliberation on the testimony adduced in support of the above charge,
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find Capt S Goodan guilty, and sentence him to be publickly reprimanded; but it appearing to the commanding officer that Capt Goodan not knowingly, or intentionally commited the Aforesd Errors: he releaves him from the just sentence Censuyre of the Court- Capt Goodan will there fore resume his sword and return to the line of his duty-
The General Courts Martial of which Mr Kennedy is President is ordered to convene tomor -row at ten Oclock to try such prisoners as may be brought before them - By Order
James Newton A. A. A. Genl-