Pages That Mention Stephen Thrasher
Military order book for the 16th Kentucky Militia, 1814
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where they are and by whose orders (or from what cause) to be handed into the Adjutant on the 31st Oct 1814
By Order
Lew. Morgan Lieut. Arty. A. A. A. Genl
Adjutant General's office Fort Malden Oct 31 1814
Detachment Orders.
The Muster that was ordered of the Troops this day is postponed until the 9th of Novemb next when it is expected at all the Troops will appear with their clothing arms &c &c in the best possible order -
By Order
Lew. Morgan Lieut. Arty. A. A. A. Genl
Fort Malden Oct 30th 1814
Regimental Orders
The respective Officers of the 16th regt D. M. will at revelee beating Cause their rolls to be called they will also at ten Oclock in the fore noon of each day have their men paraded and take themThrough the regular exercise and take them through the regulr Exercise for one hour the captains will also at the beating of the retreat have their respective rolls Called and have them again taken through the regular or necessary exercise each captain will also strictly observe to read or cause to have red the Articles of war to his Company on the sixth November next
Stephen Thrasher Majr Commanding 16th regt Ky. D. Militia
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Adjt Generals Office Fort Malden 3 November 1814
Detachments Orders
Major Stephen Thresher of the 16 regt Ky. Mi. will have detailed one com pany Captain two Lieuts two Ens four sergeants four Corporals and one hundred Privates to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moments warning - The major will him -self command the detachment Dr. Frazer will act as surgeon and Lieut. Morgan of the Arty. as Adjt to the detachment
Lew Morgan Lieut Arty A. A. A. Genl
Fort Malden Nov. 7th 1814
Regimental Orders
The commandant of the 16 regt Ky Mi. viewing the dangerous and unsoldier like practice of Centinels, kindling fires and sitting down while on post; Orders that the Officer of the day immediately have the fires round the lines extinguished, and confine every sol= =dier on post that is found sitting or kinding fire- Joseph Kennedy Major commanding 16 reg By M. D.
Fort Malden 9 Nov. 1814
Regimental Orders/ The Captain of Companies will at ten Oclock tomorrow parade their respective companies on the green about the fort and see that their men are clean their arms and accoutrements in perfect good order
Joseph Kennedy Major 16 regt [?]