Resurrecting the First American West

Pages That Mention wagot

William Brown's memorandum book, 1790

Page 14
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Page 14

[insert- Sunday 10 states?] from Limestone to Washington is 4 miles bad Hilly road thence to Mays Lick 4 miles to Blue Lick 12 to Baurbon 20 to Limestone 20- crossing 3 branches of Licking the forks of Elk from wagot to Limestone about 2 oClock saturday night the 9th Oct the country this far is gen erally poorly timberd & very muddy from Limton to [Curd?] Ferry, at the across Kentuck at the mo of Dicks R. 22 some poor land places pretty well Timberd. thence to Harrod burgs 11 miles poor land but muddy thence to Wilson 27 miles crossing several branches of Salt R. between the fork of Chaplain Cr & another branch of S. R abot seven miles back from Wilson is a beautifull tract of well timberd Land poplar Ash &c very rich from Wilson to the [?] fork is abot 13 miles thence to Beards town 7 miles thence to the fork again [?] Beards Town stand in the Bend of the Cr wh is about 51 yds [wide?]

Last edit about 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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