Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Duddingston

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 338
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p. 338

on Ritchie, McGibbon Rev. Faithful had lunch at "Rainbow" & then went to Struthers. Saws Dr. & Mrs. A. Dr. & Mrs. Struthers, Miss Greig Lucy &ce. Carr & I left & I went to call on Mr. Young. returned to portobello. 4th. August Had a dip in the sea after calling at Mary's - (Mary has 2 nice children) on coming up met Carr. Went & got out paton's boat. got it pulled in buy a bathing machine man. pulled up & down for 2 hours or so, it being a beautiful day. (Young Paton disagreable with his brother) landed & went to Thomsons to dinner afterwards went with Carr by Duddingston & called on Captn. & Mrs. Black walked back by park having

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 347
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p. 347

Thursday 13 Went to Edinr. Met Struthers &ce. returned early to Portobello with Willie by way of Jacks Lodge gate & Duddingstone had a walk in the evening Andw. Anderson & party called Willie & I out (Andrew who has just returned from Australia & his father have previously called upon me in London)

Friday 14 Went to Edinr. Called on Andw. Anderson. (his sister very ill) Went with him to make various calles at Leith St. Terrace. Saw Finlay an Australian lady of Andrews acquaintance. Andrew Paton at the Brewery &ce had lunch at the Rainbow

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 350
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p. 350

& I went out for a walk first by beach then towards Duddingstone Left Portobello by 8.20 train to go to Edin to catch the London train with Willie waited till 10.15 in Edin & then started. Willie having to walk back to Portobello. Got a side of a carriage to myself & slept some[?] arrived at London Bob waiting at King's X took a Cab to Bethnal Green a Bus passing in Church Street Bob took to Charing X.

Monday morning 17 August

Bethnal House Millar in a funck along at Giles Dixon has been laid up with Gout

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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