Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Winchelsea

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 270
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p. 270

on bd. "Ivanhoe"

the land extending a long way to the eastward dim & obscure a great number of Steamers outward bound. a lge. [written above: vessel] Supposed to be "Himalaya" with troops on bd. dipped the Ensign & lowered Skysail to her. a large number of Schooners about & other vessels. expect to be off the Isle of Wight about 10 or 11 tonight the last lans I saw on leaving England Sighted St Catharines lights at 9.15 last evening. Isle of Wight

Monday August 1st. 1859

Up at 5.30 this mg. sighted Beachy Head about 7. immense numbers if Deal boats knocking about. one came alongside about 9. oC. asked from what port & where bound? asked if we had any pas sengers to go ashore at Winchelsea for Brighton. asked charge £1. a head. followed us an hour

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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