Pages That Mention Sandheads
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 241
Western Side of the Cape
36° odd South & 17. Something West. Tedious Slow work. 2 months from Sandheads today.
Sunday May 22nd. 1859.
Fine day sharp & Cold. fine breeze sprung up at 12 ocl yesterday & continues today. 170 miles to the northward of the Cape today read Exs. [Exodus] & some of Guthries Sermon
Monday May 23rd. 1859.
Fine Cold Sharp day. 145 Miles today. off Oliphant river. in 32° something & 12 something. read account in the Calcutta review of Dr. Leyden. Got from Payne. expect to be in St. Helena in about 10 days.
Tuesday May 24th.1859.==
[Underscored: Queens birth day] Cool & Cloudy. finished at 11 OC today ([underscored: Hooks all in the wrong]) Cabin after nearly three days steady