Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Doctor Pyster

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 216
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p. 216

Tuesday March 15th. 1859

Wnt on bd. the "Ivanhoe" this morning Saw the Capt. promised to let me have £40- said I would see him at paterson's during the day. went on board the "Proserpine" breakfasted there with the Doctor Pyster Bowen & Dibbs bid them adieu. went on board the Huganout & another ship to look at the Cabins for Mrs. Walton went to my lodgings told Mrs. Walton of the Cabins. remained at home most of the day. Wharton came to dinner After dinner Capt. of Ivanhoe called met him upstairs with Wharton [Struck through: he gave me 100 rupee] [struck through: note went] told me to call at patersons & I would get 100 rupee note. went with Wharton to Patersons. Wharton advised

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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