Pages That Mention Beda
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 214
OClock had four beer walked on the roof smoked a cheroot with Philips looked out for the YL opposite. Wade left about 11 thrashed Beda Charley Philips got a blowing up after I got up staris by the back room stairs.
Monday March14th. 1859
Up about 6. went down to Kidderpore in a packee. went on board the "Proserpine" arranged with Dibbs about pay. went on bd. the "Belgravia" Met Wharton stopped & took breakfast with him went down on bd. the "Ivanhoe" in the "Belgravias" Ding[h]y Capt. gone ashore. went back to the "Belgravia" waited for Wharton went ashore with him saw his poneys in the Dockyard Called with hin on Old Linton in Middleton Row Wharton