Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Beda

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 214
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p. 214

OClock had four beer walked on the roof smoked a cheroot with Philips looked out for the YL opposite. Wade left about 11 thrashed Beda Charley Philips got a blowing up after I got up staris by the back room stairs.

Monday March14th. 1859

Up about 6. went down to Kidderpore in a packee. went on board the "Proserpine" arranged with Dibbs about pay. went on bd. the "Belgravia" Met Wharton stopped & took breakfast with him went down on bd. the "Ivanhoe" in the "Belgravias" Ding[h]y Capt. gone ashore. went back to the "Belgravia" waited for Wharton went ashore with him saw his poneys in the Dockyard Called with hin on Old Linton in Middleton Row Wharton

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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