Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Wilson

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 199
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p. 199

& the Capt. from Aberdeen went on bd. about 10ocl.

Friday February 11th 1859.

Capt. came abd. this mg. expected Rennie but did not come. Cassiagni & Law went ashore after breakfast. underscored:(Barney died) opened him could not find the cause. Capt. & Capt. Brett of the "Enterprise" came aboard between 2 & 3 Cassiagni & Law to join the [struck through: Eale] Tubal Cain the former as Acting Chief.

Saturday Frbruary 12th. 1859

Up before Sunrise. breakfast at 9 went ashore after took a ghanie bought shoes at Coislis[?] writers[?] buildings. Called at Scott Morrisons. got Genl. Salter's address Mils[?] Club went to Wilson's to wait for Bowen Stayed from 12 to 1. read the Huskara[?] BoBeer[?] & Chem. [struck through: called] Bowen did not come. Called on Genl. Salter who is anxious to go home

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 212
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p. 212

Saturday March12th. 1859

Remained in all day. Could not get a Gharrie without sending 3 rupees beforehand walked on to Wilson's with Philips about four in the Afternoon got a Ghanie there bought two bushes on the way. [written above:for Philips ] Gharrie wallah went off with then & left us at Kidderpore went on bd. the "Belgravia" Capt. Again on shore. Saw Wade & the rest. Elephants disembarking came ashore. got another gharrie at Coolie Bazaar. went up to Calcutta Philips & I had Sherry & GB. at Spences went to Wilsons to look for the Gharrie Wallah who had run away at Kidderpore could not see him told a European policeman about him Mrs. Eales & her brother at Wilson's in a

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 213
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p. 213

buggy taking sherry. went & took tea with Ferris in the Evg. played a game of Whist with Mrs. Philips Mrs. Richman & Philips

Sunday March 13th. 1859

Got up at six took a short walk out by Wilsons Hotel. Called at Scott Thomsons with a [?] & ginger. came back [Struck through:went] [written above: intended] to go to Free Church in the forenoon. told packee bearer took me to Free School English Church remained there. In the evg. went to the Old Church Walked home with Mrs. Philips and the Miss Ogilvies Charley Philips Called at Scott Thomsons Afterwards for letter home. had a soda & ginger with Philips

Monday March 14th. 1859

Wade called up about eight

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 215
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p. 215

had a long chat with him told him he would get troops home I got a certificate from him about having charge of troops. Called then at Capt. Eales gave him a Certificate in a rage at Wharton not bringing up a poney from Burmah for him. bid Capt. & Mrs. E good bye went to Cork's Saw a lot of Wharton's poneys some of the selling well went to Wilson's had tiffin with Wharton Called at Patersons office Capt. not there went on bd. a old ship of Some's called Mary Stuart Capt. & his wife on bd. left Wharton & walked up to my lodgings. played whist with Mrs. Philips Mrs. Campbell Miss Ogilvie, had a gB in my room at night with Philips Asked Wharton to dine with me tomorrow.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 218
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p. 218

on board

at Wilsons got some bac[c]y 3 rupees pound left a [struck through: late] 100 rupee note at Scott Thomsons with a note to Ferris to deduct what I had bought & 15 rupees got us this mg. from it & send a bill on to Kedgeree. Got a Gharrie at the house & went off on board the "Ivanhoe". C Philip with me breaking down ev[e]ry 5 minutes Philips left at Baboo Ghaut Got on board about nine get my Cabin & had traps put in met the other passengers at breakfast. Payne Ms. Payne Mrs. Richardson Mrs. Willis & 4 children Mr. Peterson pilot Mr. Jones. Leadsman Lane got under weigh about 10 slow work tides not suiting[?] very strong floods

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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