Pages That Mention Capt. Brett
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 199
& the Capt. from Aberdeen went on bd. about 10ocl.
Friday February 11th 1859.
Capt. came abd. this mg. expected Rennie but did not come. Cassiagni & Law went ashore after breakfast. underscored:(Barney died) opened him could not find the cause. Capt. & Capt. Brett of the "Enterprise" came aboard between 2 & 3 Cassiagni & Law to join the [struck through: Eale] Tubal Cain the former as Acting Chief.
Saturday Frbruary 12th. 1859
Up before Sunrise. breakfast at 9 went ashore after took a ghanie bought shoes at Coislis[?] writers[?] buildings. Called at Scott Morrisons. got Genl. Salter's address Mils[?] Club went to Wilson's to wait for Bowen Stayed from 12 to 1. read the Huskara[?] BoBeer[?] & Chem. [struck through: called] Bowen did not come. Called on Genl. Salter who is anxious to go home