Pages That Mention Mrs. Nihill
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 159
Evans Triton went over the jail & Hospital. rode Capt. Evans poney up then called on Capt. Evans go on bd. about 9.
Thursday Decr. 16th 1858
Remained at Anchor in Kyauk Phyoo all day. Capt. Dr. Brown Col. Sage & {{Triton]] went in the Afternoon to drive with Evans pulled in the Jolly boat in the evening with Cassiagni pulled the Jolly from the shore on bd. myself went to the bazaar in the evg. with C Met Col Dr. B Capt. Triton Thomas Got chairs [written above:]all left went beating unsuccessful returned on bd. at 1/2 past 10.
Friday Decr. 17th. 1858
Left Kyauk Phyoo this morninf at 5 oclock got a fine breeze about 7 ocl going along briskly Mrs. Nihill Sailors wife came