Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Dr. Brown

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 159
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p. 159

Evans Triton went over the jail & Hospital. rode Capt. Evans poney up then called on Capt. Evans go on bd. about 9.

Thursday Decr. 16th 1858

Remained at Anchor in Kyauk Phyoo all day. Capt. Dr. Brown Col. Sage & {{Triton]] went in the Afternoon to drive with Evans pulled in the Jolly boat in the evening with Cassiagni pulled the Jolly from the shore on bd. myself went to the bazaar in the evg. with C Met Col Dr. B Capt. Triton Thomas Got chairs [written above:]all left went beating unsuccessful returned on bd. at 1/2 past 10.

Friday Decr. 17th. 1858

Left Kyauk Phyoo this morninf at 5 oclock got a fine breeze about 7 ocl going along briskly Mrs. Nihill Sailors wife came

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 160
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p. 160

on bd. as a passenger fine cool day. Anchored in Akyab at 5 ocl. Col. Sage Dr. Brown Triton went ashore in the Cutter Dr. B asked me to call on him at B'poor and stay a day or two on Arrival in Calcutta did not go ashore in the evening

Saturday December 18th, 1858

Up an hour before sunrise very cold on deck. Joey back to look again. went on shore in the evening Called at Capt. Eales not at home at Johnsons do [underscored] went down to the ghaut with the Dolphin's boat Met Cassiagni went to the Ba-z] mugh Imahara bye & Baltic ard. f Rangoon

Sunday Decr. 19th. 1858

Up early let Officer of Baltic came on bd. at breakfast time fine cool day. read plagues on the Egyptians went to bed at 0 oclock.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 206
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p. 206

A man killed by lightning much rain @ 3 Tea @7 & then have some music in the evg. on Saty. Mg. last took train to [struck through: Barr] Serampore first class 1.2. took Gharrie & went down to the river to go across to Barrackpore. got gharrie on the other side & called at Dr. Brown's. very kind & asked me to put up for a day or two. Mrs. B an old Scotchwoman pressed me to take everything on the breakfast table. Met Capt. & a Dr. B Brown just come out from England in the service. Col. Mitchell called during the day. saw some fine stereoscopic views Paris ones belonging to Capt. Had some tiffin & went across to Serampore to go on to

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 208
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p. 208

house about 10 had breakfast went out & saw the other Cheroot house had a thousand put up for me walked out on the Strand after dinner. saw French sepoys. the Govr. 300 a month 3 rupees wanted for a Gharrie to Serampore resolved to wait & go down by train in the mg.

Monday March 7th. 1859

Clemen & I went up to the station this mg. bid him Good bye went on to Serampore took Gharrie to Bailey's went across to see Dr. Brown after a Cup of Coffee break fasted with him. Came to the other side after breakfast called on Smith at the Friend of India office

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 339
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p. 339

gone over the hill. [Written above: took quarters at] Whites with Willie & Jessie August 5th. Dressed & went to Edin. to attend Alexanders wedding. Was kept 1/2 an hour later than intended by the non arrival of the Portobello train & so missed Carr. took a cab at the N.B. Station went to the "Clarence" for Carr found him gone drove to the Church (Trinity Church Dean Bridge) found the party assembling. Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Mrs. Tait Mrs. Heriot Dr. & Mrs. Struthers Mr. & [Struck through:Heriot][Written above: Miller John Alexander Lucy Allen David McGibbon Mary & Janie Renford Hindmarsh Dr. Brown Carr Annie Greig Geo Hughes Mrs. Allen M.K.Heriot Wm. Sanders M. Heriot L.A.Miller Mr. Faithful & Heriot John Allen Wm. Greig Alex Allen

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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