Pages That Mention Dr. Brown
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
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Friday Decr. 10th. 1858
Dressed & went to the ball last night about 9 oclock. Cassiagni went ashore with me. Called at Johnson's first refused buggy walked along to Bullocks house dancing going on. Supper at 12 ocl. ladies danced till 4 left at 6 walked with Bowen & Dibbs on the road to the point & went on bd. myself left Bowen & Dibbs at Johnson's went to bed at 10 ocl. slept till one & from 2 till 5 re- mained on bd. today. luggage came on bd. in the evening. to start for Kyouk Phyoo & Sandoway to morrow Mg.
Saturday Decr. 11th. 1858.
Left this morning for Kyouk Phyoo & Sandoway at 7 oclock Col. Sage Supt Engineer & Dr. Brown Supt. Surgeon & three
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Germans having come on bd. passengers has a pleasant trip a nice cool day to Kyauk Phyoo & anchored between 4 & 5 in the harbour. 50 Convicts on bd. with a Sepoy Guard. Several of the Convicrs had fever today Went ashore in the evg. Called with Thomas at his house. Hugh Called also. Evans came went to his house met Cassiagni stayed till 11 oclock went on bd. with Cassiagni
Sunday Decr. 12th. 1858
Under weigh again this Mg. at 5 ocl for Sandoway. 1/2 past 10 saw our bowsprit among the trees bordering the wine pipe got got down Cutter pulled her head round. water very low nearly dead low. Very hot in passing through the winepipe tacked with Dr. Brown this morning. he
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mentioned that Subliuepore[?] was filled up by a Dr. Jackson & that there were 3 or 4 Candidates mentioned to him that I only noe regrettrd not having gone up for the Cos. Examination before coming out. Said I could do so yet. Anchored at Sing Gong [underscored] between 6 & 7 ocl.
Monday Decr. 13th 1858
Under weigh this morning again at day light proceeded up to Tody Paura & anchored there. Sepoys sent ashore in the PB Boat to march up to Sandoway. Convicts & Sepoy gd. sent up to Sandoway in the PB Boat. the Gunner & Mr Law with her. After breakfast Capt Col. Sale Dr. Brown & 2 young men passengers & myself went up to Sandoway in the Cutter Called at Dr. Jones then on
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Mrs. Beddy. Mr. B not a[t] home walked up to the Jail & Hospital on the road back met a Baboo Convict who was sent here for forgery (7 years 3 expired) Said he had offered Gov. 2 Lakhs for his liberty tiffined at the Circuit Bungalow. sent by Mrs. B Dr. & I had a chat on Scotch affairs. bid Mrs. Beddy goodbye (Capt. & I) at 4 oclock got into the Cutter & returned to the vessel between 5&6 I dined with the Capt. Col. Sage Dr. Brown (Simpkin) Dr. B asked me to call on him at Barrackpoor on our arrival in Calcutta turned in at 9 ocl
Tuesday Decr. 14th. 1858
Left Tandypaura this morng. to proceed to Kyauk Phyoo vessel grounded between Singhou & Toddyporah at 7 oclock tried to bring her head round with a
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line from the Cutter Could not succeed passed a hawser from the Capstan through the After hawser hole heaved upon it snapped. passed a Cable heaved on it without effect the engines backed without effect waited for the flood to make (turns) at 10 oclock) 12 oclock [underscored] got her off the ground & proceeded on. Anchored between 9 & 10 PM outside the wine pipe Boilers leaking badly
Wednesday Decr. 15th. 1858
Got up at 6 (a cloud) saw the B Master much better this morning. deck covd. with steam (leak of the boiler much increased) proceeded on to Kyauk Phyoo at daylight An- chored in Kyauk Phyoo at 12 ocl Capt. Evans & Thomas came on bd. went on shore in the evening with the Capt. Dr. Brown Thomas