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Pages That Mention Committee on Fire, Water And Gas




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Monday 7:30 OClock P.M. Kingston January 8 1877

A Special Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston was held this day. Present

His Worship the Mayor


Allen, Carson, Clements, Drennan, Dupuis, Gaskin, McCammon, McIntyre, McKelvey, McRossie, Noble, Powers, Price, Tandy, White

The Clerk read the minutes of the two last meetings.

The Mayor stated he received the award of the Arbitrators in the erection of Court House which he submitted.

A Certificate from Michael Flanagan, City Clerk was read in Re votes in the Power Dry Dock By Law

A Circular from John Hallam Esquire Chairman of Committee Toronto was read enclosing report of Special Committee on taxation exemptions.

A Communication from C.V. Price Esquire was read stating the Directors of the Kingston Street Railway will not press any change of width of track at present.

A Communication from James Agnew Esquire, City Solicitor was read in re Adair verdict sustained.

A Communication from John Creighton Esquire was read in Re Arbitration Court House between County and City.

Petitions from John McMahon, W.B. and S. Anglin and John Holmes respecting Taxes and referred to the Court of Revision.

Ald: Gaskin brought up the petition of [strikethrough] Mary Dandy [/strikethrough] William McCartney praying permission to lay down building materials on Gordon Street Victoria Ward.

On motion of Ald: Gaskin seconded by Ald McKelvey Ordered, That the petition of William McCartney be granted on the usual Conditions

Ald: Allen brought up the petition of Mary Dandy praying for a remission of fine

On motion of Ald Allen seconded by Ald: Drennan Ordered, that the petition of Mary Dandy be referred to His Worship the Mayor with power to act.

Ald: McRossie from the Committee on Finance and Accounts brought up [strikethrough]a[/strikethrough] two Reports (Numbers 535 & 536 Book D) which [strikethrough]was[/strikthrough] were read and adopted.

The Chairman from the Committee on Fire, Water And Gas brought up a Report (Number 537 Book D) which was read.

Ald: Tandy moves seconded by Ald: McCammon That the report of the Committee on Fire, Water and Gas be received and adopted.

In Amendment

[right align] Ald:

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Khufu



H. & W.J. Carruthers stating they have entered the Drain in Clarence in consequence of their [there] being no main Drain on King street and requesting that no frontage be exacted from them.

On motion of Ald: McIntyre seconded by Ald: Harty Ordered, That the petition of H. &. W.J. Crothers be referred to the Committee on Streets and Improvements to report.

Ald: Metcalfe brought up the petition of Dominick Fallon and 8 others praying that the Council will recommend to the Police Commissioners the propriety of appointing a Policeman for Williamsville.

Ald: Metcalfe moves seconded by Ald: Carson That the petition of D. Fallon and others be referred to His Worship the Mayor with a request from this Council to the effect that a Policeman be specially appointed for Williamsville - which being put was [underline] lost [/underline].

Ald: Pense brought up the petition of John McKinley Secretary of Committee on Charity Ball asking for the use of the Ontario Hall on the 7th of February on payment of the Gas account.

Ald: Pense moves seconded by Ald: Campbell That the petition of John McKinley be granted - declared out of order.

Ald: Campbell brought up the petition of John G. Hurley praying for a remission of a portion of Carters License.

On motion of Ald: Campbell seconded by Ald: Allen Ordered, that the petition of John G. Hurley be referred to the Committee on Licenses and Cabs & Carters to report.

Ald: McIntyre brought up the petition of Henry Scott praying that he be refunded sixty dollars expended many years ago &c.

On motion of Ald: McIntyre seconded by Ald: Carson Ordered, That the petition of Henry Scott be referred to the Committee on Fire, Water and Gas to report.

Ald McIntyre from the Committee on Finance and Accounts brought up two reports (Numbers 541 and 542 Book D) which were read and adopted.

On motion of Ald: Carson seconded by Ald: Asselstine Ordered That the Clerk be authorized to insert an advertisement in both the City papers till Monday the 5th of February asking for Tenders for the purchase of the old School House Building in Williamsville and that said Tenders be opened by Committee on City Property.

On motion of Ald: Price seconded by Ald: Dupuis Ordered, that the City Engineer be instructed to Color a map of the City showing all property exempt from taxation, the same to be forwarded to the City Members at Toronto.


Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



Ordered that the petition of R. Tossell be granted under the superintendence of the City Engineers and with the usual Conditions.

Ald: Pense brought up the petition of John Tucker praying permission to lay down building materials on Sydenham street.

On motion of Ald: Pense seconded by Ald: McCammon Ordered, That the petition of John Tucker be granted under the supervision of the City Engineers.

Ald: Price brought up the petition of Armstrong McCormack and 49 others praying for a reduction of the Fees payable for Tavern and Shop Licenses in this City.

Ald: Powers brought up the petition of the Hook and Ladder Company praying for an increase of pay.

On motion of Ald: Powers seconded by Ald: McDermott Ordered, That the petition of Capt. Gray be referred to the Committee on Fire, Water and Gas to report therein at the next meeting of the Council.

Ald: Allen brought up the petition of G.E. Ashley respecting Taxes.

On motion of Ald: Allen seconded by Ald: Drennan Ordered, that the petition of G.E. Ashley be referred to the Court of Revision to report.

Ald: Allen brought up the petition of William Elliott praying for a lease for three years of his present Stall in Shambles.

On motion of Ald: Allen seconded by Ald: Price Ordered, That the petition of William Elliott be referred to the Committee on City Property to report.

Ald: Metcalfe here entered.

Ald: Drennan from the Committee on Finance and accounts brought up a Report (Number 547 Book D) which was read and adopted.

On motion of Ald: Drennan seconded by Ald: Clements Ordered, That in the opinion of this Council it is expedient that the Committee on City Property proceed at once to get plans and specifications for the re-roofing of the City Buildings, at the same time, plans for the proper ventilation of this Chamber, including the Halls and all the offices in Connection with the City Buildings and further plans, giving the probable cost of heating all the buildings by hot water.

The Chairman from the Committee on Fire, Water and Gas brought up a Report (Number 548 Book D) which was read as also the Report of Henry Goulden respecting the boiler for thawing the Hydrants.

On motion of Ald: Powers seconded by Ald: McCammon Ordered, That the report of the Committee on Fire, Water and Gas be received and adopted. Yeas: 18 Nays 1.

Ald: McIntyre moves seconded by Ald: Carson


Last edit about 1 year ago by Khufu



Ordered, That the petition of W. McCartney and others brought into this Council last year, if not reported upon be referred to the Committee on Fire, Water and Gas to report at next meeting of this Council.

The Chairman from the Committee on Streets and Improvements brought up a Report (Number 549 Book D) which was read and adopted.

Ald: Price gives notice of a By Law amending the By Law fixing the amount to be paid for Shop and Tavern Licenses.

Ald: McIntyre introduced a By Law repecting Tavern and Shop Licenses in the City of Kingston which was read a first time.

On motion of Ald: McIntyre seconded by Ald: Price Ordered, That the 29th Rule be suspended The Council went into Committee of the whole on the second reading.

Alderman Carson in the Chair The Council resumed The Committee rose and the Chairman reported the second reading of the By Law clause by clause. The Report was received.

Yeas: Messrs Allen, Asselstine, Campbell, Carson, [strikthrough] Clements [/strikethrogh], Drennan, Harty, McDermott, McIntyre, Noble, Power, Price, Walkem 12

Nays: The Mayor, Messrs Clements, Gaskin, Metcalfe, Mooers, McCammon, McRossie, Pense 8

The By Law was read a third time and passed.

Ald McIntyre introduced a By Law to raise by way of loan the sum of $25,000 for the purposes hereinafter mentioned which was read a first time.

The 29th Rule was suspended and the Council went into Committee of the whole on the second reading. Ald: Drennan in the Chair The Council resumed. The Committee rose, and the Chairman reported the second reading of the By law clause by clause. The Report was received.

Yeas: The Mayor, Messrs Campbell, Carson, Clements, Drennan, Harty, McCammon, McDermott, McIntyre, Noble, Pense, Power, Price, Walkem 14 Nays: Messrs Asselstine, Gaskin, Mooers, McRossie 4

On motion the Council adjourned

M Flanagan City Clerk

John McKelvey Mayor

Last edit about 1 year ago by Khufu



Registrar was read respecting the lettering of the Ten Boxes in office.

On motion of Ald Drennan seconded by Ald Price Ordered, That the Communication of Alfred Le Richium be referred to the Committee on City Property with power to act.

A Communication from T.G. Rudd was read appointing William H Fuller Esquire his arbitrator in Re Division street - there was no action taken therein.

A Communication from Messrs Hewton and Hughes requesting a site from the City for a [Fleshing?] Mill and Woollen Factory and to allow such property to be exempt from taxes.

On motion of Ald Gaskin seconded by Ald Carson Ordered, That the Communication of John Hewton and John Hughes be referred to Finance Committee to report.

A Communication from Mr J.R. Dargeval Clerk South Crosby was read in Re Kingston & Phillips Mill Road.

On motion of Ald Carson seconded by Ald Asselstine Ordered, That the Communication of the Clerk of South Crosby be referred to the Committee on Streets to report.

A Comunication from the Minister of Militia and Defence was read in Re Market Battery.

On motion of Ald Drennan seconded by Ald Price Ordered, That the Communication of the Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence be referred to the Committee on City Property to report.

Ald Mooers here entered.

Ald McIntyre brought up the petition of Captain William McKee and 43 others praying for a Coal Oil Lamp at the Corner of Johnston and Garden Streets.

On motion of Ald McIntyre seconded by Ald Carson Ordered, That the petition of Captain McKee and others be granted.

Ald Dupuis brought up the petition of George Carruthers respecting the using of a certain Hydrant.

On motion of Ald Dupuis seconded by Ald Price Ordered, that the petition of George Carruthers be referred to the Committee on Fire, Water And Gas with power to act.

Ald Dupuis brought up the petition of T.J. Donoghue praying for a remission of four months License.

On motion of Ald. Dupuis seconded by Ald. Price Ordered, That the petition be referred to the Committee on Licenses to report.


Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 14 in total