Pages That Mention Mrs. Eales
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 212
Saturday March12th. 1859
Remained in all day. Could not get a Gharrie without sending 3 rupees beforehand walked on to Wilson's with Philips about four in the Afternoon got a Ghanie there bought two bushes on the way. [written above:for Philips ] Gharrie wallah went off with then & left us at Kidderpore went on bd. the "Belgravia" Capt. Again on shore. Saw Wade & the rest. Elephants disembarking came ashore. got another gharrie at Coolie Bazaar. went up to Calcutta Philips & I had Sherry & GB. at Spences went to Wilsons to look for the Gharrie Wallah who had run away at Kidderpore could not see him told a European policeman about him Mrs. Eales & her brother at Wilson's in a
p. 215
had a long chat with him told him he would get troops home I got a certificate from him about having charge of troops. Called then at Capt. Eales gave him a Certificate in a rage at Wharton not bringing up a poney from Burmah for him. bid Capt. & Mrs. E good bye went to Cork's Saw a lot of Wharton's poneys some of the selling well went to Wilson's had tiffin with Wharton Called at Patersons office Capt. not there went on bd. a old ship of Some's called Mary Stuart Capt. & his wife on bd. left Wharton & walked up to my lodgings. played whist with Mrs. Philips Mrs. Campbell Miss Ogilvie, had a gB in my room at night with Philips Asked Wharton to dine with me tomorrow.