Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Mrs. Eales

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 185
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p. 185


Monday Jany. 17th. 1859

Up at 7 this morning could not go out for a ride owing to the pony having been sent to Sandoway. remained on bd. all day. Cassiagni & the Gunner went out in the jolly boat through the Creek to Singh Gong. had a note from Mrs. E say Edith & Mrs. E had had fever. Went up after dinner in the Cutter the 2 Master 2 Engineer Clerks Nephew & Clerk. Called at the Capts. returned from Sandoway at 9 on bd. at 1/2 past 10. Gun room painted slept in the after cabin

Tuesday Jany. 18th. 1859

Up about 7. Poney has not come 1/2 past 7 Capt. came down on my poney on bd. asked for 24hs. advance from Contingent. (Scruffy.[?]) Henricks came on bd. after breakfast re- mained to dinner Bowen Cassiagni Henricks & I went up to Sandoway

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 186
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p. 186


after dinner in the jolly boat Called at Henricks had a note from Mrs. E to call over went returned to Henricks Cassiagni & Bowen went to the Bazaar came back after 10. Henricks wanted me to stop would not. Bowenremained. got on bd. about 12 slept in the Gunner's place. After Cabin & Gun room being painted

Wednesday Jany. 19th. 1859

Got up before 7. poney not yet arrived reading house newspapers Freind &ce got from the Capt. this mg. Cold mg. Thermometer 67° remained on bd. all day reading Red Rover. Dibbs went up in the jolly boat to stop at the Capts. all night & go out shooting tomorrow Bowen not returned from Sandoway turned in about 8 oclock.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 187
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p. 187


Thursday Jany. 20th. 1859

Up at 1/2 past 6. pony arrived had a gallop on the road to Singgong came on bd. at 1/2 past 7. Cutter going up to Sandoway for the Capts. things Law went up & I sent servant to Bazaar to by some Burmah Boxes with seven rupees returned without them saying Henricks would bring them for me went ashore about 5 & had a long gallop. Dibbs & Bowen came on board in the jolly about 9 oclock.

Friday Jany. 21st. 1859

Up at 1/4 to Seven went on shore had a good long ride. returned on bd. about 8. Capt. & Mrs. Eales came on bd. about 11. brought newspapers. read them reading [underscored: Red Rover] Went on shore after dinner had a ride. Capt.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 189

p. 189

At Singhgong

with Law left about 11 ocl for Singhgong Anchored about 12 ocl had a Burmah box a Burmah dow & some Cheroots sent down from Henricks last evg. Afternoon 3 ocl Capt. & Dibbs went for oysters. Henricks came on bd. about 5 ocl remained all night Gunner & Lamplou Qmaster had a row in the evg. groggy.

Monday Jany 24th 1859

At Singhgong. fine clear mg. [scored through: not] very little fog. Henricks left about 8 ocl. gave me a letter to Clements at Chandernagore. Capt. & Mrs. E went ashore walking. Capt. went up to Sandoway in the gig returned at 5. Schooner & boat with Commissioner & Mrs. Verner & his people came down in the evg. Capt. brought down two tiger skins gave me one. one

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 191
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p. 191

at Ramree

with Capt. & Mrs. Eales to visit Mrs. Verner in the Schooner. Bowen went up in the jolly after breakfast. returned between 6 & 7 having shot a quantity of Snipe & Curlew brought 11 ducks from Ramree. Capt. & Mrs. E returned about 9 bringing word that the Schooner was to come down this evening & that we are shortly to leave for Akyab.

Thursday Jany. 27th. 1859

Up at 7. Schooner came down this mg. to start at 9 ocl for Kyouk Phyoo. Arrived at Kyouk Phyoo at 3 ocl. Capt Ripley came aboard asked us to dinner. Letters from home & Fred with newspapers from my father Jessie Mary all well. Fred's contained news of poor Sophys death (New Scotsman) containing (earth quake in Anacau). Went in the evening & dined with Ripley Bowen Dibbs Johnson Young there

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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