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In the field April 19th 1717 W-400 Appendix “2”
Headquarters 12th Canadian Infantry Brigade. 32
REPORT ON OPERATIONS OF 38TH CANADIAN INFANTRY BATTALION APRIL 9TH. TO 13TH. 1917 -----------------------------------------------------------
By Major W.S. Wood
The 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion attached the enemy’s position at 8:30am. April 9th, in four waves, with a total strength in the waves of 12 Officers and 550 O.R.. In addition to this there were the Commanding Officer and six other officers at Battalion Headquarters, the R.S.M. 3 Orderly Room Clerks, 14 Signallers, 16 Runners, 5 Medical Staff in Blue Bull Tunnel.
REINFORCEMENTS During the day three Officers and 60 Other Ranks, specialists were ordered up from Chateau de la Haie, thesevtaking parts in subsequent operations.
DISPOSITION Point of Assembly Blue Bull Tunnel. Battalion Headquarters, Blue Bull Tunnel. Disposition on jumping off point was “A” and “D” Companies in the first wave, “A” Company in MANDORA SOUTH from VINCENT STREET exclusive, S.15.c.15.18 to OAKLEY Ave, MANDORA CENTRAL S.14.d. O.65 inclusive: “D” Company in MANDORA CENTRAL at OAKLEY AVE, exclusive to ERSATZ ALLEY S.14 b. 75.20 MANDORA NORTH: “C” COY in “A” Assembly trenches on the right immediately behind “A” Company, “B” Coy in “A” Assembly trenches immediately behind “D” Company.
THE ATTACK 5.30am The Battalion jumped off at 5.30 a.m
5.45 a.m. Lieut. Colonel C.M. Edwards reported the Battalion as having taken its first and second objectives Retaliation not very heavy but a good deal of shrapnel.
6.05 a.m Lieut. Colonel C.M. Edwards reported having a Signal Station established at No.6 crater and that front line was taken without opposition.
6.13 a.m. Report that we had walked right through the craters. Everything all right on left but no report from right. 7 prisoners of 261st Regiment brought in.
6.25 a.m. Telephone report from No.6 crater that all objectives taken.
6.54 a.m. Report telephoned that one of aeroplanes working on # our left flank flying very low. Everything seems very good.
7.25 a.m Report from forward phone that we have lines staked and are proceeding with consolidation. Cannot get information of exact line but can see picks and shovels working. Aeroplanes flying very low over us.
8.25 a.mLieut.Crowell came in wounded reporting a great deal of sniping from our right. Lieut. Colonel Edwards took this information to Brigade and was wounded about 8.35 a.m. on his way over.