Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Col Lys

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 50
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p. 50

in the medical Hall after till Breakfast time

Nov. 18th At Bandar. at "Candia" at Garden reach for lep. box. at Med Hall all day. Egan called in the evg. walked to Col Lys park St: News from Lucknow Sir Colin Shelling on both sides. Commun with Sir J Outram latter advised his friends not to attack until it could be done efficiently

Nov. 19th. Went down to the beach

Nov 20th to 30th At Medical Hall every day. till between 5 & 6 . 29th dined on board the Candia Saw Dawson & Fitz at the Fort. Came home in D.s Buggy. 30th Had diarrhea which made me feel weak News today that Col. Cameron 42nd & Col Rourke 19th both dead of Cholera. posted a letter to a soldier at Lahore entrusted by Mrs. Achison 23rd At a tea party at Smith's met Dr. Bryden. E I Co &ce. 3000 Sepoys enclosed in palace garden [Dec. 1st. scored through] & bayonetted by Sir Colin. Sepoys retreat upon Hyrabad.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
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