Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Coleridge

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 48
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p. 48

Marched past going to Railway for Raneegange Went with Walter across the Ferry to other side of Ganges. Saw the 42nd off in the Rail bid Walter Feilden Coleridge McDakin Christie good bye. how many of them will return to Calcutta & England? Returned with Shaw. got his garry to Gov't place. got back at 9-10 am. promise of Nana Sahibs head from Feilden. Nov 13th. up at 6 went to P office to inquire for letters, looked old letters (none). told there was none. returned home very dull what can have happened that there is no letter. I am sure Jessie or Mary must have written. Next to Dispy. after Tiffin 1st time. Shortly after a letter came all well at home thank God for that, Egan called in the eveng. Dined with us. What can be wrong with Fred that he has not written? Nov 14th. Rose this morning happy with the thought that my mother was well oh how it makes me feel for her to think of the tedious

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
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