Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Sophia

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 5
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p. 5

Edinburgh August 13th 1857

In the morning called at Macfarlane's bade Mr Young & the rest good bye at the head of Infirmary Street. Met several students & while standing speaking to them, Saw Sophia & James Forbes coming down. Walked down the Bridge with them, left S. to go to D. Thomson's & J. F. & I went to see Fred at the Brewery. J. F. & I in the afternoon went down in the Leith coach & called on John Moore. Saw Mrs M. bade them good bye. Walked along to Trinity & dined there. Fred did not come down. Went down to the greenhouse to smoke got a fuschia which S. wrapped up for me, bade Mr. R. good bye. Maria asleep. Did not awake her. bade Mrs. F. good bye. S. came to the door, nearly broke down at last on leaving all my dearest friends [good bye--2 lines drawn through this] for how long? had to run off to the train. J. F. with me. We called again on Fred & then I went home. Oh such a trial I had, tried to keep off the evil moment to the last but the hour came

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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