Pages That Mention Table Bay
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
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at from 10 to 15 miles distance. I was walking on the poop with the Captain about 10 oclock when some lights we had seen on shore, & which we thought were fires, assumed the appearence of a light house. the Capt. at the moment thought we had found Table Bay, & immediately brought the ship to. it however turned out to be that we were just off Hants Bay, & that the lights we had seen were only fires kindled by the Kaffirs. They burned until 4 oclock in the morning.
April 2nd 1858 We made sail again at (11 struck through) 6 oclock this morning with a light breeze, & Kept on along the coast as we went on. We came in sight of the Devils Peak, Lions Rump & Head & at 12 oclock we Saw the Ships lying in the Bay.
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Wynberg passed an inn Called Rochester Castle, the roads were very dusty & very uneven. to the left of the road on which we were travelling is a large low tract of ground very Sandy & which appears to have been at one time the bed of the sea. it extends nearly from Table Bay to Simons Bay a distance of nearly 12 miles this is called the Hottentot Ground a few hamlets are occupied by Dutchmen Kaffirs & Hottentots. Scattered over this extent of ground it seems very barren covered with tangled rank grass & a kind of heath some parts of it quite bare & sandy. Several fires were blazing in different parts of the hills around. [ever scored through] the long dry grass & tangled heath bein so dry that the slightest spark serves to kindle into a fire A volume of smoke was seen extending over the summit of Table Mountain doubtless from one of those fires kindled
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On the 3rd. of April, the second day of our arrival, met Dr. Shillette at Mrs. Parkes one of the Candian pas- sengers. he is a Surgeon in the HEICS [Honourable East India Company Service] & got down here on Sick leave. he came in the "Octavia" the same ship that Dr.Taylor my old fellow student is surgeon for. I have been living on board during this time & only going on shore when the Capt. goes.
April 13th. 1858. Tuesday
My 24th. birthday. time takes me by surprise now I can scarcely fancy it possible here I am then on my 24th. birthday on board the "Belgravia" lying quietly at Anchor in Table Bay. the morning is clear beautiful & warm. the sun shining brightly through my Cabin Window & every thing around quiet. I get up to go on
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On the left of Table Mountain is the Devils peak. (For what reason it has received the above euphonian title I know not) looking over the port side of the vessel is the Northern side of the bay & further out of the bay Robben Island. It is now eight months since I left home. Certainly the most eventful period of my past life. First nearly 3 months on the voyage to India, rather more than three months residence in Calcutta after seein Mauritius Palma Santa Cruz Ceylon Madras & now here we are in Table Bay. Certainly the pleasantest place I have seen since I left England and A place I should not have the slightest objection to settle down in. I must begin to write a long letter home today. The mail leaves about the 20th. & is due in England
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about the 1st. of June. it is a long time for them to want a letter at home 3 months My last letter soonest arrive at home about the end of March but I hope at least there may be no anxiety on my account & they will receive a letter I hope from Cape Town sooner than expected I wonder what my Father Mother, Jessie Mary Robert|Robt.]] & Wm. & all the rest are about. it seems to bring then near to me merely to write their names. When or will I ever see them all again there are bright mo- ments when I think I shall once more meet all again & others when I think I shall never again see old Scotland & those near & dear to me. April 13th. My dear Father &Mother. On my four & twentieth birthday I commence to write this & here we are in Table Bay all safe & sound after a very pleasant voyage down. So before I do anything else I must