Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Grand st

Mary Emma Jocelyn diary, 1851-1852.

p. 26
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p. 26

Thursday. Pleasant but cold. Mrs Otis and Miss Stanley called in the evening Sarah and I attended Lyceum with Mrs? Miss? Carrie went as usual with Hugh. Friday. Cloudy. The ground was covered with snow. In the afternoon Sarah, Caroline, and I attended Dr Benton's lecture on Psycheology. We became very much interested. Mary Reeve called in our absence, and came around to [the?] lecture to see us. After the lecture Sarah, Mary, and I called on Hannah W. Mrs Hallock, and Kate Hudson. In the evening, Natty, Sarah and I attended Dr Benton's lecture. It was very amusing and exciting. We did [not?] reach home till about eleven. Found Mr Murphy sick. Saturday. Snowy. In the afternoon, Harriet, Carrie, Sarah and I attended Dr Benton's lecture. Annie Culbert called, but not finding us at home came round to Central Hall and staid a short with us. Sarah and I went into Grand st after lecture and did a little shopping. Sunday. Snowed a little in the morning. Sarah and I attended the Babtist [sic] church, and heard a very good sermon from Mr Rhees the minister. Attended our church in the afternoon. Evening at home. Monday. Pleasant. Was not very well. In the evening Sarah, Caroline, Natty and I went round to Mary R's. Joseph, Hannah, and her friend Emma Horing? were there and this evening [passed?] very pleasantly indeed. We returned about eleven.

[continued in left side margin:] The Cuthberts, Ellen Dickinson and Mary Willet called. P.M.

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