Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Kate Hudson

Mary Emma Jocelyn diary, 1851-1852.

p. 10
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p. 10

Friday, November 28th Rainy. Was not very well. Caroline, with Kate Hudson, and Mary [Best?] spent the day at an Anti-Slavery fair in Brooklyn. George Hudson spent the evening with them and brought Carrie home about twelve o'clock and the young lady woke me from sound slumbers to give me an account of her adventures which I was to sleepy to think as interesting as she evidently considered them. In the meantime Harriet and I had had a very pleasant day together in chatting and sewing. Hannah [Wilde?] called early in the morning. Evening in reading.

Saturday. Warm and Pleasant. Soon after breakfast I called on Hannah [Wilde?] and Mary Reeve. Hannah wanted me to go to the Fair with her very much so finally I consented. It was nearly noon when we started. We took the stage on Fourth at which set us down at the door of Montague Hall, Brooklyn where the Fair is held. It was mostly [superintended] by colored ladies. Our design in coming was to assist by taking tables. We did so and sold about eight or ten dollars worth in the course of the evening. The ladies were very polite to us. The boys came over in the evening. Doctor Remmington made a speech. We left about half past eight. After I reached home I read the National Era and retired.

Sunday. Pleasant. Attended our church in the morning and evening Mr. Whiting preached in the morning.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by vant
p. 14
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p. 14

Friday.. Very cold but clear.. Commenced making up my new dress. Miss Mary Warner, Mrs Fitch, and Mary Reeve called, P.M. Wrote to William Gonsalves? in the evening.

Saturday.. Pleasant. Spent the day busily and pleasantly at home. Ellen Dickinson called in the morning. Mr Murphy unexpectedly arrived from New Haven in the afternoon much to Harriet's surprise and delight.

Sunday.. Pleasant. Attended our church all day. Father preached in the morning and Mr Picard in the afternoon. Spent the evening in pleasant and I trust profitable reading.

Monday.. Cloudy. Occupied the morning with my needle. Early in the afternoon I called on Mary Reeve and also on Mrs Tucker, an intimate friend of Mrs Leager She has just received a letter from Mrs Leager, in which one had been inclosed to me by Ellen, but for some reason, not explained, had been taken out. She is a very pleasant and talkative woman, and entertained me with a long account of what Mrs Leager had written. She also offered to enclose a letter from me in her own letters which she sends tomorrow. Kate Hudson made a long call soon after my return. In the evening wrote to Ellen Seager, wrote in my journal, and read the newspapers.

Tuesday. Clear, but very cold. Sewed all day without interruption. Mrs Beecher called about dusk. Read in the evening Folks say that this is the coldest day we have had in [three?] years.

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Last edit over 3 years ago by MRutherford
p. 15
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p. 15

Wednesday December 17th Sewed as usual. Hannah Wilde called in the afternoon . In the evening we received a note from Mr J.C. Warner, stating, that the [in?] consequence of an engagement, he would be unable to attend singing school this evening. Of this we were very glad as the cold which was intense made us dread to go out. We rec'd an invitation from the Hudsons to spend the evening with them, but for [?] some reason declined. Read Kossuth's great speech of the eleventh, and wrote to Sarah Gonsalves? inviting her to spend the holidays with us. Father left us to-day for Montpelier, Vermont on business. He expects to be absent nearly a fortnight.

Thursday.. Still very cold. Went to the post-office and to Hamilton's in the morning. In the afternoon I called on Kate Hudson. George accompanied me home. In the evening Mother and I attended [Lycenum?]. Mr Saxe, the Green Mountain poet, delivered a very fine poem on New England.

Friday.. Bright but cold.. Sewed most of the day and evening. Sarah Olmsted, am old friend and schoolmate, whom I have not seen for more than two years, called in this afternoon. We had a rather lengthy and pleasant chat on things long since past, but not forgotten. How pleasant it is occasionally thus to meet, one, who still remembers, and loves to think of the little events, and pleasing remembrances of our school girl days. They were indeed pleasant, and I shall not soon forget them.

[text on left side of left margin: [?] [?] for the purpose of taking [music?] lessons. Her family lives in the country where she is unable to obtain a [music?] teacher.

[text on right side of left margin: [?] [?] [?] [?] the Rev Mr Porter [?] Mr Stephen [?] Branch. son of the late Judge Branch of Providence. She has been engaged to him only six weeks. He is reputed to be a gentleman of wealth & respectability The happy (?) couple set out immediately for Washington. They intend visiting Europe in May

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Last edit over 3 years ago by MRutherford
p. 26
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p. 26

Thursday. Pleasant but cold. Mrs Otis and Miss Stanley called in the evening Sarah and I attended Lyceum with Mrs? Miss? Carrie went as usual with Hugh. Friday. Cloudy. The ground was covered with snow. In the afternoon Sarah, Caroline, and I attended Dr Benton's lecture on Psycheology. We became very much interested. Mary Reeve called in our absence, and came around to [the?] lecture to see us. After the lecture Sarah, Mary, and I called on Hannah W. Mrs Hallock, and Kate Hudson. In the evening, Natty, Sarah and I attended Dr Benton's lecture. It was very amusing and exciting. We did [not?] reach home till about eleven. Found Mr Murphy sick. Saturday. Snowy. In the afternoon, Harriet, Carrie, Sarah and I attended Dr Benton's lecture. Annie Culbert called, but not finding us at home came round to Central Hall and staid a short with us. Sarah and I went into Grand st after lecture and did a little shopping. Sunday. Snowed a little in the morning. Sarah and I attended the Babtist [sic] church, and heard a very good sermon from Mr Rhees the minister. Attended our church in the afternoon. Evening at home. Monday. Pleasant. Was not very well. In the evening Sarah, Caroline, Natty and I went round to Mary R's. Joseph, Hannah, and her friend Emma Horing? were there and this evening [passed?] very pleasantly indeed. We returned about eleven.

[continued in left side margin:] The Cuthberts, Ellen Dickinson and Mary Willet called. P.M.

Last edit about 2 years ago by chrisb
p. 39
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p. 39

Wednesday Jan 28th Pleasant. I sat alone with Annie in the parlor quite a long time in the morning talking about Maggie. Sarah and I also practiced our music lesson Annie left us quite early in the afternoon. Sarah wrote a letter to her mother, and I wrote to Ellen Leajer?. In the evening George Hudson called for us and accompanied us to singing-school. We stopped to snow-ball each other on the way. Mary Reeves? came in with Natty soon after. Mr I. A. Warner behaved very impolitely indeed, and closed the exercises very abruptly. I think I can divine the motive of his conduct. George Hudson stepped up and told him his mind pretty plainly. We had a pleasant time returning -- more snowballing. All stopped at our house awhile. George remained some time after the others had left.

[side] Mary Reeves? called. P.M.

Thursday .. Bright over-head. Sarah made up her mind today to visit her friends in New York and accordingly Carrie and I accompanied her over. Sarah stopped to bid Kate Hudson Good Bye. we found the walking very bad there was also much in the river but we crossed without difficulty. We called on Annie, left Sarah at her uncle's and returned. Reached house in time for tea. and attended Lyceum in the evening. Prof. Anderson lectured on the Celtic Race. It was very interesting but I was almost too tired to enjoy it.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by AprilDuclos
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