Pages That Mention Fred
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 162
Wednesday Decr. 22nd. 1858
Up at daybreak. walked an hour on deck went down & dressed expect the "Sr. Warrine" today "Sr. Burmah" arrived today at 4 ocl bringing Mary & Willies letter of the 8th Novr. all well palau to leave on the 19th with inclosure from Fred
Thursday Decr. 23rd. 1858
Up at 1/2 past 7 had a play at Single Stick with Cassiagni & Bowen before breakfast remined on bd. all day did not go ashore in the evg. reading North & South.
Friday Decr. 24th. 1858
up between 7 & 8 fine cool morg. dined at the Capts. at six ocl Xmas Eve. Met Mr & Mes. B Harper Dibbs Bowen Cassiagni Law. had singing after dinner sung Queens Letter & Across the Braes. got on bd. about 12 ocl.
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at Ramree
with Capt. & Mrs. Eales to visit Mrs. Verner in the Schooner. Bowen went up in the jolly after breakfast. returned between 6 & 7 having shot a quantity of Snipe & Curlew brought 11 ducks from Ramree. Capt. & Mrs. E returned about 9 bringing word that the Schooner was to come down this evening & that we are shortly to leave for Akyab.
Thursday Jany. 27th. 1859
Up at 7. Schooner came down this mg. to start at 9 ocl for Kyouk Phyoo. Arrived at Kyouk Phyoo at 3 ocl. Capt Ripley came aboard asked us to dinner. Letters from home & Fred with newspapers from my father Jessie Mary all well. Fred's contained news of poor Sophys death (New Scotsman) containing (earth quake in Anacau). Went in the evening & dined with Ripley Bowen Dibbs Johnson Young there
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Waverley Hotel Cheapside
Wednesday Augt. 3rd. 1859
Went out after breakfast ordered two suits of clothes in Cloth mart Cheapside called at Morrison Dillons,Porter. Carr. Pears went [written above:walked] down to London Dock in the afternoon vessel not up turned in fell asleep instead of seeing Carr. wrote home
Thursday August 4th. 1859.
Went to tailors & to London Dock. Blackwall coach to Commercial road My traps passes after staying on bd. 2 or 3 hours. left a crape shawl. Cheated by humpers[?] & Cabman. [struck through: on to] took traps to Kings Cross & drove home Cabman 8/- a telegraph from Fred: stating come down by first train sister to be married tomorrow. Cash ex- pended had to wait till next day to cash a bill Clothes sent up this evg. met Anderson in Moorgate Street when walking out
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Saturday Augt. 6th. 1859
at Waverly & I started for Kings X about 9. very cold in the train all night. Got into Edinr. about 9. Met Willie & Bob Auld at the train. Willie grown so tall I scarecly knew him. got home in a Cab. found all my traps but the large box My Father & Jessie at home. Mary got mar- ried yesterday. Robt. gone whale fishing. Fred gone on an excursion remained home all day chatting with my Father & Jessie Bob Auld & Willie wanted me to go up to Rail to meet Fred in the evg. did not go.
Sunday Augt. 7th. 1859.
Went to Broughton church this forenoon with Jessie a strange minister. Came home Bob called went to Trinity with . Mrs. T. Maria & Fred at home
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Kate at church. Bessie gone to London. Sat chatting Kate came home from church opened the door for her. dined Fred hugged me [Written above: & Bob.] off with him up to see K had tea went home by Canonmills.
Monday August 8th. 1859
Called on Mr. Young Colleg[e] of Surgeons & ce with Jessie paid my policy to Mr. Young for last year 9.4.2. Came down staid at home in the evg. Dr. Ritchie in bad health Mr. Y asked me to call out
Tuesday Augt. 9th. 1859
Went to P'pans Stage Coach to Musselburgh & walked. Met the Dr. walking out slowly. Called little Kate & 7yo at the door do you know Missy Abnins[?] Mrs. R looked over the window went up stairs sat down a long tirade about the Dr. only chance to get appoint when