Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Fred

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 135
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p. 135

hatching at night. Where I woke up early in the morning with my neck nearly broken. Last evening a fire broke out at Haliday's Coal godwin. Dibbs & the Crew went with the fire engine Young Law & I remaining on board in the evening overhauled some of my home letters from Fred. RB &ce found an ivy leaf in Freds last letter which I had not before noticed. 17th Today we are all put to rights again the gun room all clean & paint dry. Up early % took a bath. A fine day. weather not quite so warm as it was a few days ago, leading the Knight of Glomie Sept. 26.[7 overwritten] Left Akyab yesterday again for Kyauk Phyoo had a fine day though rather warm. Came to anchor at 5 in Kyauk Phyoo harbour

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 138

p. 138

Saturday Oct. 23rd. 1858.

During the last month have still continued on bd. [board] the "Proserpine" the weather has been very hot & close we have has another trip to Kyauk Phyoo & Sandoway the latter to take Mrs. Beddy up there. Have sent home Rs 100 for RL and a letter by each mail Received a letter from Jessie at Kyauk Phyoo August date. Wrote on the 18th Just to Barry McLaren house in answer to Jessies letter & an offer of service up county from the D.I. & the Govr. in Chief. have been atteg. Edith Mg. & Eg. Strong breeze of wind last night. No word from Fred or K yet.

Nov 5th. 1858

This afternoon the proclamation of the Queen was read by the

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 146
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p. 146

up before daylight fine cool mg. 12 ocl. warm pursuing our course 10 or 15 miles of[f] land.

Monday November 29th. 1858

Up early this mg. still pursuing our course for Akyab At 12 oclock came to anchor in Akyab Harbour Sent off immediately for letters to Huson's had none. At dinner time the Captains letters came off bringing one from Mary Fred & Barry. Good news from all Barry promises 8P lent on T 20/- sent Oct 22nd. Answer to my letter to Sir Colin stating that Asst. surgeons are only appointed in England has nothing to say to such nominations. News that Bob Auld has [come struck through] gone [written above] home

Tuesday Nov 30/58

Up at 6. read again my home letters. Commenced after

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 147
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breakfast to write home to Fred & to Mrs. Knott at Madras & Barry. Very warm this Mg.

Wednesday Decr. 1st. 1858.

Busy this morning writing letters home. 12 oclock just sealed up one for Fred & went ashore for stamps to receive pay today.

Decr. 2nd. Thursday. 1858

went Ashore this morning to breakfast with the Capt. took 250 rupees with me and after break fast went with the Capt. to the treasury & got treasury draft for the same. was going on board afterwards but met Harper got into his buggy & called at Law's. Saw Mrs. Miss & Charlie. Called then on Hughden. Saw Mrs. H who had a great deal to say. Says she is a relation of Barrys. Called then at Johnsons met Stable Morris.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 148
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p. 148

Hind. went on board with Morris & the Gunner in the Schooners boat about 4 oclock dined & went ashore to see the Capts. Child again Mr & Mrs. H called while I was there Mrs. E promised to post letters for me & requested one. went on bd. wrote two letters one for Barry enclosing treasury draft for 250 rupees. & one to Mrs. Knott. Madras in answer to last march one. One home & one to Fred also written this forenoon. Sent the 4 ashore to the Capt. between 9 & 10 oclock

Friday Decr. 3rd. 1858

Left this morning at daylight to convey Capt. Faithful Majuthat to the Naafe river. Anchored at 4 oclock. Weather close & Cloudy all day. Mr. Law went ashore in the jolly boat. No report as to the landing place. Boat did

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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