Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Fred

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 47
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p. 47

Smith. I was driven home at 7 in his garry too late for dinner party of 12. Posted letter Journal for home letters & collars for Bessie & Kate & letter to Fred: Nov 10th. Mail leaves this morning. Up at 7 o'clock. Weather was cool in the morning Great numbers of Brahminie Kites Crows. & Adjutants about. [? Beastie] filling up the baths from leather water bags. Watering sheets with same. Nov. 11th. Up at 6 this morning. Saw Capt. of the rifle brigade leave. to go up country played Cheer boys Cheer. A review of the 42nd Highlanders in the afternoon. Gov: Gen & Lady Canning attended. Quick & slow marches Garb of Old gaul & Bonnie Laddie, played. Called at the fort in the eveng. Saw Walter Fielden McDakin. All busy packing to go up Country in the Mg. Nov 12th. Up at 6 Went to post office to look for letter from home- found none While ar P.O. 42nd, Highlanders 4 Company

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 48
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p. 48

Marched past going to Railway for Raneegange Went with Walter across the Ferry to other side of Ganges. Saw the 42nd off in the Rail bid Walter Feilden Coleridge McDakin Christie good bye. how many of them will return to Calcutta & England? Returned with Shaw. got his garry to Gov't place. got back at 9-10 am. promise of Nana Sahibs head from Feilden. Nov 13th. up at 6 went to P office to inquire for letters, looked old letters (none). told there was none. returned home very dull what can have happened that there is no letter. I am sure Jessie or Mary must have written. Next to Dispy. after Tiffin 1st time. Shortly after a letter came all well at home thank God for that, Egan called in the eveng. Dined with us. What can be wrong with Fred that he has not written? Nov 14th. Rose this morning happy with the thought that my mother was well oh how it makes me feel for her to think of the tedious

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 51
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p. 51

Dec 1 to 6th Gen Wyndham attacked by rebels at Cawnpore. [down into scored through] he retreated into entrenchments. tents of 4 regiments burned down by the sepoys. Releived by Sir Colin Campbell coming up to his assistance. Mail arrived from England per St [Steamer] Nubia, evening of Dec 5th. Commenced to write a letter home Sunday 6th have not as yet got any letters by this mail. Dec 6th to Jany. 19th. Still at Bany. Continued to dislike it. at last made up my mind to enter the companys service. got appointed to the "Proserpine". 12 guns Brig the Man of War for the Indian Coast. Joined her on the 19th. Saw Mr Bockeet Chf Officer on board. during the latter weeks I have received letters from home from Fred. & B, All well. Feby 12th. Received orders to join the transport Belgravia to take charge of sick & wounded to the Cape of Good Hope.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 53
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p. 53

dropped from the quarter of the ship & the native succeeded in taking hold of it. 6 seconds longer & he would have been lost. This forenoon made visits round the sick men found most of them improving. 2 men however still remain in a precarious state.

19th Left Kedgeree in tow of the Sydney past Saugor island between 12 & 1 oclock. lost sight of land at 2. OClock. Pilot went left at 4 oclock. I sent letters for home stating that I was of to the Cape & that Barry was to draw my pay & remit Cos. Rs. 50 monthly. Wrote to Fred Bessie & Kate I. This Afternoon boy fell overboard from boat. [illegible?] and bravely lines dropped for him but he struck out from the ship Lascars would scarely help to save him but on being Shouted to from our ship they reached him an oar As soon as he got into the boat he

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 105
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p. 105

Went to go on board the "Adelaide" steamer bound from China with invalids home Dadson had a brother badly wounded in China & expected it possible that he might be on board there. We got alongside just as she got steam up and was under way. We hailed & inquired. We were answer in the negative. I was disappointed in not getting a letter on board her for you as she carried a mail home. We next went on board the "Octavia" there I saw my old friend Dr. Taylor. Visit to Constantia as related before. parley from Mr. Young. house in portobello Asked Robt. Hunte to write again before leaving the Cape. dispatched on the 20th April p. S.S. Dante to reach England on June 1st. Sent this leape Angus. Wrote also to Fred. Account of voyage & trip to Constantia. 13th. to 23rd. Living on board the

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
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