General Manuscripts

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Journal of events & minutes of particular evidence relating to the late expedition against Rochefort &c & the subsequent Courts of Enquiry

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Sept. 28th Gen'l Conway the same - but merely from his own opinion without regard to the evidence!

Sir. E. Hawke appeal'd to the members of the Council for the truth? of what he said - that his opinion had always been & was unchang'd - that the landing could be effected &? that the troops ought to be landed for some further attempt - which was alone matter of consideration w'h the general officers of the troops? he not taking upon himself to be a judge of land operations - but w'd from his confidence in their ability & skill in their own profession readily assent to any resolution they might come to & assist them to the utmost of his power -

After some further talk there withdrew Sir J. Mordaunt, Adm'ls Knowles, & Brodrick & Capt. Rodney

Last edit almost 4 years ago by andrewp1986
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