p. 6




Status: Complete

of slightly interlocking joints, which are sharply tuberculated on their surface and intermediately granular, a kind of foliaceous tentaculum attached to their inner margins; tentacula with numerous oblique joints, which are narrow at their bases, and gradually expand on each side of a central line or midrib; surface of the plates [of the] of the body marked by striae or rows of granulated parallel to their edges, sometimes by tuberles irregularly arranged and more or less abundant, all the plates to the centre of the scapular plates marked by single or double rows of pores, which proceed from the base of the pelvic plates to the prominent upper angles, and from the basal angles of the costal plates to their centre, whence they radiate to each of the upper angles of the same plate, meeting corresponding rows from the centre of the scapular and interscapular plates. These pores communicate with the interior and, though not always conspicuous, are present in some degree of

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