p. 3




Status: Complete

Conophyllum Niagarense, Hall
Pal. N.Y. Vol 2 p 114 pl 32 fig 4

Irregularly cylindrical, elongated
or subturbinae, more or less expanding
above, externally rugase at intervals, (when
weathered often very rough); cup regularly
concave, deep; lamellae thin, distance
from each other equal to their think-
ness, denticulated on their upper and
inner edges; transverse dissepiments cor-
responding to the concavity, and
forming the cell or cup and exten-
ding upwards to the margin. -
- The rays become subordinate to the dissepiments; and the character
would be more correctly defined by describing the coral to
consist of a series of concave discs or incurved inverted cones
setting one within the other, having their upper surface marked
by radiating rows of dentiscules denticles. The form is very
irregular, varying from small short turbinate forms to elongated
cylindrical ones in which the character scarcely varied
throughout. The weathered surfaces present the arrangement
of the dissepiments more or less perfectly.

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