p. 1




Status: Complete

Receptacutites Neptunii, DeFrance,
Dic. Sci. Nat Vol 45 p 5. Hall, Pal.
N. York Vol 1. p 68 pl. 24 fig 3.
Cocinopora infundibuliformis Eaton, Geol. Text Book. C.
Sulcuta, Owen (not of Goldfus) Geol. Report 1839.

Suborbicular, or depressed
in the centre; surface presenting a
series of quadrangular cells, within
each of which is a vertical cylindric
tube opening upwards; openings
of the tubes note entirely circular.

- The upper surface presents a series of
quadrangular opening made by the
intersection of vertical lamillae, which
cross each other in the direction of
curved lines, like the peripheries of
a series of circles of different diameters
having distant centers. Tubes con=
=stricted near the extremity.

D. 2 to 8 inches. L of tube, 0.10 to 0.50

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