



Status: Complete

Coleoplera- Genera

Cicindela, Lin. Lat. Antennae ^ filiform inserted into the anterior margin of the eyes;
palpi filiform, the intermediate and posterior ones nearly equal
penultimate joint of the latter hairy; thorax short; elytra flat
rounded at tip; elypeus shorter than the labrum. Page 9.1
Nemognatha, Illig. Maxillae very much elongated inflected
filiform. (Zonitis Fab. Lat.) 17,20
Zonitis, Fab. Lat Maxillae not elongated; antennae with the 1st & 3d joint of the same length, & the second a little shorter the 3d & following cylindrical, the last one fusiform terminating abruptly in a short point.

Brachinus Web. Fab. Web. Fab. Anterior tibia emarginate; elytra truncated at the tip; palpi filiform; labium subquadrate; neck none; abdomen with interior vessels inclosing a caustic, volatile & detonating fluid nails simple. p 9.21

Cymindis. Anterior tibia emarginate; e;ytra truncated at tip; exterior maxillary palpi filiform; labiales terminated by a sculefiform joint; neck none; body depressed & destitute of the secretory organs which furnish the detonating fluid; nails pectinated. p. 9

Lebia Lat. Bonell.-Anterior tibia emarginate; elytra truncated at tip palpi filiform; terminal joint cylindtrical, hardly truncate; thorax wider than long; penultimate tarsal joint bilobate; nails pectinated. 9

Galerita, Fab. Anterior tibia emarginate; elytra truncated at tip; palpi securiform; tongue excerted, coreaceous in the middle, membranous each side, and pointed at tip; neck distinct; penultimate tarsal joint bilobate. p 10

Odacantha Fab. Anterior tibia emarginate; elytra truncated at tip; head attenuated behind; palpi filiform; tongue exserted, coreaceous in the middle, and membranous on each side. p 10

Scarites, Fab. Anterior tibia emarginate & crenate, elytra entire; antennae short 3d & 4th joint moneiliform, subequal; labrum short dentated mandibles elongated; dentated; palpi filiform; tongue dilated very short emarginate at tip; thorax rounded behind; body subcylindrical 10

Pasimactus, Bonell. Lat. Anterior tibia emarginate & crenate; elytra entire antennae short 3d & 4th joints not moniliform; labrum dentated; mandibles strongly dentate palpi filiform; tongue dilated very short & emarginate; thorax subcordate truncate behind; body dilated depressed 10

Clivena, Latr. Anterior tibia emarginate & crenate; elytra entire labrum entire mandibles with obsolete teeth; tongue prominent membranous each side; thorax rounded. 10

Morio Latr. Anterior tibia emarginate; elytra entire; palpi filiform; antennae moniliform, joints subequal; tongue prominent, truncate at tip and membranous each side; mandibles acute. 10

Harpalus. Latr. Anterior tibia emarginate; four anterior tarsi dilated in the male; elytra entire; antennae filiform, joints subcylindrical; labrum subquadrate, entire, or very slightly emarginate; palpi filiform; tongue exserted, cylindrical & coreaceous in the middle, & membranous each side, tip truncate unarmed; neck none. 10

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