


Status: Complete




Lang's Hand Weeder--Is, in our opinion, the best weeder made. Its special advantage over all other weeders of this class is, that it has a band which passes over the fingers, which, when the tool is not in use, gives full use to the hand for pulling weeds and thinning out plants without laying down the tool. It is neatly and strongly made. Price, 25c; $2.60 per dozen, or postpaid, for 30c each.


Excelsior Weeding Hook--This instrument can be used to great advantage among small and tender plants. It is warranted to give entire satisfaction when used among rows of seedlings, among ornamental plants, or in any place where absolute freedom from weeds is desired. Price, 25c; $2.25 per dozen, or postpaid for 30c. each.


Haseltine's Weeder.
One hour's use will repay its cost, and in any vegetable or flower garden it is simply indispensable. Its price, 35c., prepaid, is not one-tenth its value for one season's use. Blade is solid steel, oil tempered, and has five sharp edges. Price, 30c; $3.25 per dozen, or postpaid, 35c. each.

Garden Trowels--Five inch, each 20c; six inch, each 25c.

Lawn Trimmer--A new invention offered this year for the first time, and it should be used by everyone who has a lawn. Very convenient for trimming the edges, cutting border strips and all lawn trimming which requires close cutting. Work is done rapidly and operator remains standing while at work, and consequently gets along faster. Price, $2.50.

Waters' Tree Pruners--Best in the market; 6 ft., $2.00; 8 ft., $2.25; 10 ft., $2.50.

The Concave and Curved Seed Potato Knife--Is thin and right shape to cut 1, 2 or 3 eye pieces, fast, and not crack the tuber or injure the germs. Price, 35 cts. each, postpaid.

Flower Pot Brackets--Each 25 cents to $2.00.

Bird Cage Hooks--Each 10 cents to 75 cents.

Wire Plant Stands--Our wire stands are of superior strength and extra finish; very attractive and ornamental. They are mounted on substantial castors [casters] for convenience in moving about the house. Prices low; send for list.

Swiss Moss Baskets--Each, 5 cents to 30 cents.

Ornamental Straw Baskets--Each 25 cents to $2.50.
Dried Grasses, Everlasting Flowers, Winter Bouquets, Pampas, Plumes, etc. Prices on application.

French Green Moss--Large size packages by mail, each 25 cents.

Fancy Wooden Trellises--Light and strong, all sizes for pots and out-door climbers; each, 10 cents to $2.00.

Lawn Fertilizer--Per pound, 10 cents; 25 pounds or over at rate of $6.00 per 100 pounds.

Pure Bone Dust--This is the best pulverized raw bone dust in the market, and makes a splendid fertilizer for lawns and gardens. Price per pound 10 cts.; 10 pounds 75 cts.; 100 pounds $6.

Flower Pots--We carry a full line of Plain and Fancy Flower Pots, Hanging Baskets and Terra Cotta, Iron and Rustic Lawn Vases, and request correspondence from all desiring anything in this line.

Scolley's Plant Sprinkler--The best; indispensable for floral work. Price by mail, postpaid, $1.15.

I Slay Bugs

Hammond's Slug Shot--Hammond's Slug Shot is a combination of the most potent insecticides and soluble plant food, probably the most effective and economical in use for the destruction of the various insects that prey upon cultivated vegetation. When you order your seeds, if you have not tried Hammond's Slug Shot, order a five or ten pound package, and use it as per directions given with each package.
Put up in packages, not prepaid, 5 pounds, 35 cents; 10 pounds, 65 cents; 50 pounds, $3.00; 100 pounds, $5.50; by mail, postpaid, 1 pound, 25 cts.; 5 pounds, $1.00.

Bowker's Food For Flowers--A fertilizer made especially for plants grown in the house or conservatory; clean, free from offensive odor, largely soluble in water, and producing healthy plants, free from vermin, and early and abundant blossoms, to which it imparts a rich and brilliant color. Large size package for 35 cts.; postpaid for 45 cts. Small packages, postpaid, 25 cts.

Florist Plant Food--A composition somewhat similar to the above, which is sold in bulk at 10 cents per pound, or by mail 30 cents per pound.

Berry Boxes--They are put up flat to ship, but they are all ready to put together, which can be done very rapidly. Price per 100, 60 cts.; 1,000, $3.25. Annealed tacks for putting together boxes, per oz., 10 cts.; per lb. 60 cts.

Tin Foil--Pound by mail, 40 cents.

Wire Designs--For cut flowers. Of these we have a good assortment. Prices of any kind of design given on application.

New Model Lawn Mower--The best. Combines all the best new improvements. For simplicity, durability and quality of work it is unequaled, while for lightness of draft it excels, by a large per centage, any other Lawn Mower made. Ten inch cut, $6.50; 12 inch cut, $7.50. Send for circular.

Perfection Bouquet Holder--Very convenient for holding corsage or button-hole bouquets; easily adjusted, and holds bouquet firmly and gracefully; 15 cents each postpaid.
Also--Pruning Knives, Horse-Radish Graters, Syringes, Garden Tools, Measures, Feed Cutters, Tree Labels, Rubber Hose, Roffea, Trellises, Plant Stakes, Gardeners',
Florists' and Nurserymen's supplies; and in fact almost everything for the Farm, Lawn, Garden, Greenhouse and Nursery. Write for prices.

Popular Gardening and Fruit Growing.
We take pleasure in informing our readers that we are authorized to receive subscriptions for this superior Dollar Horticultural monthly, both new and old, at the regular price of $1 a year. New subscriptions must in all cases be marked "new," and renewals "old." Transfers in the same family cannot count as new, they must be marked "old." Subscriptions may begin with any month. As a special inducement for new subscribers we will send your choice of either Flower or Vegetable Seeds (in packets only) to the amount of 40 cents at regular Catalogue prices, FREE, to each person who sends their sub­scription to us. This offer is to new subscribers only, and you may select seeds desired. Or we will send the paper free to any one who orders Vegetable or Flower Seeds in packets to the amount of $2 at Catalogue prices, and does not ask for any other discount or premium.

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