


Status: Complete

Dorr's Iowa Seed Manual

Caladium--Esculentum--Roots should be planted in the spring, taken up in the fall and stored in a dry cellar. The Caladium is highly ornamental and very showy, the leaves frequently growing 3 feet in length. each 25 and 50c.

Canna--Beautiful foliage plants growin [growing] from 3 to 6 feet high. In fall store roots ing [in] a dry cellar. Good mixed, 25c. each: Extra fine clumps, choice English; each 50c.

Dahlia--Especial attention is called to my large collection of these exceedingly showy and grand fall flowers, of which I grew last season nearly two acres of fully two hundred destinct [distinct] varieties, comprising all the georgeous [gorgeous] shades and colors imaginable. Plant roots as soon as weather is warm. Before severe frost, take up the roots, cut off the tops, and when dry store in a cellar, packed in dry sand. Per dozen $2.50; each 25c.

Gladiolus--Very beautiful and showy; tall spikes of flowers of many colors; bloom all summer. Plant in spring 3 or 4 inches deep, 6 inches apart in the rows; before severe frost, take up the bulbs and as soon as dry store in a cool place till spring.
Fine mixed varieties, many shades of red. Per dozen, 50c. each 5c.
Fine mixed varieties, light and white. Per dozen, $1.00; per hundred, $5.50; each 10c.
Fine mixed varieties, all colors mixed. Per dozen 50c.; per hundred, $3.00.

Madeira Vine--Ornamental climber of very rapid growth; thick, light green, glossy; leaves; keep roots in cellar over winter.
Small roots, per dozen, 50c; each 5c.
Large roots, per dozen, $1.00; each 10c.

Double Tuberoses--The roots of this delightfully fragrant, pure white, wax like-double flower, may be planted from February to July. Before planting remove the small offsets; use good, rich soil, plant in 6 inch pots, one root in a pot. Good flowering roots, per dozen, 1.00; per hundred, 5.00; each 10c.
Extra large size, per dozen: 1.50; per hundred, 8.00; each 15c.
New Double Dwarf Pearl, per dozen 1.50; per hundred, 8.00; each 15c.

Hardy Ornamental Shrubs

Althea Frutex--(Rose of Sharon.) There are many varieties of this beautiful shrub,
differing in color and shape of the flowers. A hardy shrub, easy of cultivation, and especially desirable on account of its blooming during the Autumn months when there are few other flowers.
Double Rose--25c.
Double Varigated [Variegated]--Pink and white. 25c.
Folia Variegata--Leaves conspiciously margined creamy white, flowers double purple. 35c.

Azalea Ponticum--A fine hardy shrub, producing an abundance of bright yellow flowers in early spring. 50c.

Cornus Sanguinea--A strong growing shrub, with clusters of fine white flowers; the stem and branches turning blood red in winter. 25.

Calycanthus--Sweet Scented Shrub. Flowers purple, very double, and deliciously fragrant; remains in bloom for a long time; a very desirable shrub. 25c.

Corcorus Japonica--A slender shrub four or five feet high, with beautiful, double yellow blossoms from July to October. 25c.

Corcorus Japonica--Varigated [Variegated]. Similar to the preceding, with foliage variegated green and white. 35c.

Deutzias--Gracilis (Slender Branched )-- A very desirable dwarf growing variety. Flowers pure white. A valuable plant for Winter blooming. 25c.
Crenate Leaved (Crenata )--Strong grower; profuse bloomer. 25c.
Crenata, (fl. pl.)--Flowers double white, tinged with pink. 25c.
Crenata, (fl. alba pleno)--A very valuable variety, of strong growth, producing its pure white double flowers in abundance. 25c.

Daphene Cneorum--A beautiful low-growing evergreen shrub, flowering very freely in early spring, and at intervals through the summer; flowers bright pink, very fragrant. 50c.

Exochordia Grandiflora--A very beautiful and rare shrub, with large and distinct pure white flowers in May. 50c.

Forsythia Viridissima--Produces beautiful yellow flowers early in spring; leaves deep green. 25c.

Lilac--White and purple. 35c each.

Pyrus Japonica--Blooms early in spring; flowers bright scarlet; very hardy; 25c.

Purple Fringe--A beautiful, distinct, large shrub, much admired for its long, feathery flower stalks, which give the tree the appearance of being covered with a cloud of smoke; 25c.

Philadelphus or Mock Orange--Grandiflora. A large-growing shrub; snow white flowers in great profusion; June to July; 25c.

Rhodendron or Rose Bay--The most magnificent hardy evergreen shrub that grows, with broad, thick evergreen foliage of glossy richness, which is almost hidden in May and June by a splendid array of beautiful flowers in clusters each cluster large enough for a lady's bouquet.

Our collection of Dahlias is undoubtedly the finest in the West. It contains the choicest specimens seclected from over 1000 varieties.

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