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30. Clear & Cloudy S.E.
Ther. Wed. Dec. 30, 1885 Wea.

Very heavy white frost
this morning early. later
in the day it clouded up
and threatened rain or snow
Willie & I finished the
lattice work in the garden.
Hetty Stabler called with
her daughter "Lilly". for
advice for the latter.
Lizzie Scott & sister called
"to thank Dora ". After
supper Willie took a note
to Walter Scott's for Charley
Charley came in from the store
soon after 9.o'clk, & we all
were in bed by 10. which is
unusual for our family.

37 Rain. S.E.
Ther. Thurs. Dec. 31st, 1885 Wea.

Commenced raining before
day light & continued until
about noon after which it cleared
off partially & the wind came from
N.W. John Johnson worked with
Willie at cutting fodder finishing
what we had on hand. About dark
--- "Owens" from the bone mill
came for advice for his infant.
After tea Charley Dora and
Willie went in the carriage
(driving the roan mare) down
to Mr Canby's (son in law of
Col Rust's) to a New Year's Eve
dancing party. Reached home
again at about 1.30 a.m.

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