Page 158
53o. Cloudy & Clearing N.W.
Ther. Tues. Nov. 10, 1885 Wea.
Charley drove an old gray
horse of Mary Plummer's to
our carriage to "Elton" taking
the setter "Nelly" & the bird gun
hoping to find some "Partridges"
or "quails". He took Willie as
far as Brookeville to school.
I drove to Ed: Davis' and to
Walter Scotts' before dinner.
P.T.Stablers (5 horse) team
brought us a load of wood
(pine). Arnold & Waters brought
one barrel & one bushel of corn.
on the ear. The funeral of Anna
L Moore took place afternoon
and was largely attended. Jno:
Stabler (of Thos P.) brought the
legs for the "old Chair" & took it
home with him to fit them in.
Ther. Wed. Nov, 1885 Wea.
Little Tom Dickenson
spent the day here. Sister
Beulah came after dinner
she & Harriet went down
to "Bloomfield" to call
upon Anna Parker who
had goneto "Riverside".
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