Page 149
33. Clear & Cloudy.
Ther. Fri. Oct. 23, 1885 Wea.
I took Willie and the
"setter" "Jett" & drove up to
Jas P Stablers (upper Jim's")
to see him about the
old chair legs and to
give the dog a trial
after "birds", unfortunately
we found none, but I
am much pleased with
the way the dog works.
Afternoon I drove down
to Ashton.
37o Cloudy & Clearing N.W.
Ther. Sat. Oct. 24, 1885 Wea.
Drove to Ashton & to Fulford
after dinner. Willie
rode bicycle to Elton to
spend the night expecting
to go "Coon hunting". I went
to Walter Scotts after sundown
& home by moonlight to
prescribe for him. after which
I walked down to Ashton.
Harriet has "sick headache"
Prescribed for "Jim Johnson"
at Ashton.
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