Page 137




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62o Clear. S.W.
Ther. Tues. Sept 29th, 1885 Wea.

I droce down to Ashton
called to see Geo: Grisby
at Flech: Clark's. Afternoon
An Agent from a nursery
in N.G. called & I ordered
four grape vines 2 "Concord"
and 2 "Delawares". to be
delivered sometime in April
next to be three years old
sets & to cost $2.50 in all.
After tea Charley took the
carriage to go to Fulford
& to Ashton.

62. Clear. S.W.
Ther. Wed. Sept 30th, 1885 Wea.

Felt quite unwell drove
down to Ashton in the carriage
brought home Edwd & Phil: who
had gone for the milk. called at
F Clark's & got my injection
syringe. Suffered much from
constipation. Drove C down
after dinner and went
again towards night in the
spring wagon taking down three
chair's to "Tom" Stabler's and
brought home the 1/2 dozeng
he had painted & varnished
for us. C came home with me
to supper. I bought a sack of
Graham Flour for my own

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