Page 55



Status: Complete

26 Clear & Cloudy N. W
Ther. TUES. APRIL 14, 1885 Wea.

Cold & windy again
this morning Charley
went to the store again
this morning as usual.
W went to school but
returned not feeling well
I drove to Fulford to see
Fanny Dickenson & her
children. Sing Mitchell
here for advice & medicine
for Josiah Bowen
Little Eward has the
"mumps" old fashioned
& remained in bed.

35° Cloudy & Drizzle S.E.
Ther. WED. APRIL 15, 1885 Wea.

I drove "Fritz" to C's buggy
to Josiah Bowen's and to
Chas: Hammered Jr's before
dinner taking Jno. with me.
Little Edwd's face swolen
very much & more painful
than heretofore.
C's ankle seems to be
improving & he can use
it to some extent. I called
in at Jno. Johnson's to see his daughter.

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