Page 51
40° Clear N.W.
Ther. MON. APRIL 6th, 1885 Wea.
Beautiful spring day except
for the high wind
I walked to Ashton before
dinner. Cousin Annie Chandlee
brought Geo: Nye
here for me to examine his
throut & decide whether
he was safe to go to school
I had John hauling out
manure onto the lot
"Fritz" got out of the stable
and had a grand race &
roll in the dirt. Charley
came home sick at supper
time. Dora & Willie went
over to the Lyceum to the
"annual meeting" of the
Lyceum Co:
43 Cloudy S.E.
Ther. TUES, APRIL 7th, 1885 Wea.
Kate Matthews here for
advice and medicine for
herself. Old Robt Awkard
came about 9.30 a.m. to
repair thatch roof on the
ice house. I drove over to
see Josiah Bowen. Willie
went to school with the sulkey.
Little Edwd is "breaking out"
with some irruptions: it is
difficult to say what it is
as yet, probably "roseola"
similar to Willie's attack.
P. T. Stabler sent for and
took away the "Fox" horse to
try him in his team. "Gus"
Stabler hauled us a load
of hay from "Nick" Johnson's.
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