Page 48




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38o Cloudy (Windy) Variable
Ther. Tues. March 31st, 1885. Wea.

Charley sent the "Shadow"
bicycle to Laurel by Ede Gilpin
to be expressed to Baltimore
returned as "too light" for our
country roads. Willie drove
to school lin the buggy first
time since he was taken sick
with "mumps" & "Roseola". Charley
is not at all well looking
badly about the eyes, & with
sore throat &c. Jas Marlow's
child died this morning.
Eliza Green here again for
advice & medicine. Two "Gipsy's"
young women called about
1.o'clk p.m. Reichenbach
piano tunes from Washington tuned
our piano, & I sent him to Olney
Jno: taking him in the phaeton with
"Fox". After supper the young folks
all went to an "Exhibition" &c. at
the Lyceum.

40° Cloudy & Clearing W
Ther. WED. APRIL 1st, 1885 Wea.

More spring lke than any
day we have had. Charley's
eyes were so painful and
inflamed that he did not
go to the store. After about
noon but before dinner I
drove down to Ashton to
see Emily Bellows and
"Gus" Stabler. both of whom
are as well as I am. Mr
Dorsey (from the mill) sent
a boy (his brother in law) to
me for advice & med. After
dinner Sister Beulah
came, spent the afternoon
& took tea with us.

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