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[written] 34

[typed] September 5 - 1897

day - it was yesterday afternoon, and after we had gossiped about the
different professors and their courses we talked over my work, but I
haven't come to any very definite conclusions except that I am going
to take one or two seminary couses courses with Prof. Hudson & Dr. Flugel
but I don't think I shall take his seminary as it is too technical to
be practical with regard to my teaching. He wants me very much to stay
another term but that is something I know more about than he does &
of course I don't want to. I must write to all the dear people whom
I have been with this summer and I don't seem to have much news. I
have been absorbed mounting my little sketches & things and making my
corner room so pretty. Auntie Sue seemed well & was ver much improved
after her trip camping at Capitola. Mrs. Gates asked me to luncheon
with her and I enjoyed it so much, she sent a great deal of love to
you as did Auntie Sue & Auntie Carrie & Mrs. Start & especially Mrs.
who loves you very much, like everybody else. Gertrude and
I went out to the cemetary taking quantities of astors - pale pink &
lavender ones - that Auntie Carrie gave me and making Mama's resting
place beautiful with them, with roses & other flowers on Papa's &
Grandma's & the other two places; it was so peaceful & full of rest
there where it didn't matter whether the house were rented or not &
nobody had to teach school. Everyone is so cordial & it seems so good
to see everybody, though Helen & Muriam & Alice Colt I miss dreadfully.
I saw Gilbert & enjoyed the dear boy so much he took me out driving &
played whist frequently while I was at Mrs. Schneiders. I have mis-
layed your last long letter & know that there were ever so many things
in it to answer that I probably am not thinking of. I am glad, you
are having a free & happy time for a while in Canovia & hope that you
will enjoy it to the utmost. The house isn't rented yet but I hope
that it will be soon. Gertrude seemed quite rested after her vacation.
I am feeling so well & am as brown as a berry yet; have not seen many
of the faculty people yet, except Dr. Jordan who was showing a friend
over the Hall & came to look at my room - I am going to wo mark with
chalk the place where he stood, bless him -

Yours Toodles

I see I have another half a page & so will take it up in telling you
that I am so well clothed this year, I seem to have a plenty of every-
thing I need, & shall get me only a new everyday hat for winter. Laura
is tutoring one pupil in English & Muriam is beginning her work in the
Washburn school. How I wish you could see my room. Theodora is well
& happy.


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