Untitled Page 523
[written] May 31 '97 31
[typed] abroad and at home or books. Mr. Teggart asked me to join the faculty
book club just started - which I am delighted to do as it is a very
good one besides being quite a compliment to be a member as none of the
students are asked. I must finish this in the morning as I am going
to get a clear water bath this evening and mustn't be late about it.
Tuesday morning
You don't know how unmanageable my pen is - now that I don't have to
use it it insists upon all over the paper. The Taggarts inquired
about you and said they often thought of you and your sweet ways. There
were one of two other little bui dinners and things during commencement -
one at the Hodges the architects family where Mr. March the new librarian
is always to be found. The best of all was having the girls mothers
come. Mrs. Morrison - Marylyns Main's mother - and Mrs and Miss Colt,
beside the San Jose mothers - Mrs. Maclaren, Mrs. Park and Mrs. Phillips,
It was so lovely to see some older people in the Hall - all there are
so young. Laura, Miriam, Alice, Charlotte, and Helen took their degrees-
I will send the programme and then you must imagine how pretty the girls
looked in these fresh organdies and grass linens. You don't know how
much good I have gotten from my dear little organdie that is so Frenchy
with the pretty hat - by the way the little pink and blue striped shirt
waists are too dear for anything - they go so prettily with my blue suit[illegible]
Theodora's silk, and the stockings, handkercheifs, and things came over
a week ago and I am duly mortified to think their receipt is not acknow-
ledged - how pretty the silk is! Just like a waist Miss Wickerham had
on at the Jordan reception. You know how acceptable all the other things
are, especially the stockings as I was just on the point of buying some.
You must have heard me swearing at the dearth of pins clear across the
continent but let me assure you my exclamations have vastly improved
since I have all kinds in plenty.
Oh I forgot to tell you about the Jordan reception to the seniors -
a number of upper classmen helped to serve - Marylyn, Kitty and I among
the number and it was great fun - everyone was there from far and near.
I had such a pleasant visit with the Breners who came down from San
Mateo and Mrs. Stanford was very cordial - she has already rem always
remembered the call we girls made and appreciated it so much. The music
was beautiful - a S.F. Orchestra and Mrs. Jordan looked very pretty in
a new black brown and red gown. Of course the faculty senior baseball game
was great fun and the faculty were beaten by almost 20-10 - the seniors
all came on the field in a chinese trot and dressed in chinese clothes
with long ques hanging down their backs. The faculty has a beautiful
new baseball ground but it doesn't seem to improve their playing.
Yesterday afternoon I spent in getting clean - Gertrude shampooed my
hair and manicured my nails and in the evening I had such a good bath -
Miriam came in a little while after dinner with a cardinal neck-tie
and it seemed so good to see a Stanford person even if it is only three
days since I left there. Today I go up to Mrs. Myricks and stop off
at the university to get my things and do some errands. Carrie is going
to leave the Hall this vacation and I have been writing a recommendation
for her and have been helping her off a little.
I must also call on Mrs. Gilman and Mrs. Teggart before I go away.
When I am in the city I am going to see the Fishes in Martinez and also
Mrs. Frymribille who lives quite near Mrs. Myrick. I don't know just
what I'll do the last two months of vacation but guess something will
turn up.
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