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[written] 30

[typed] May 31 - '97 San Jose at Gertrudes

Nannie dearest -

Well, well, the very first Sunday after the routine was over I missed
writing my letter to you- not that I did anything that day - but just
luxuriated in my laziness from morning till night. The week has been
such a full one and has ended by my finding myself here at Mrs. McMillans
eating my head off at her excellent table. I don't know which end to
begin but guess with this morning's happiness - for Gertrude, after she saw
Theodora off for Stanford on the 8o'clock train, went with me out to
the cemetery. We started a little after eight o'clock with Punch and
the Phaeton and had such a happy cool ride and found the dear resting
place beautifully kept. I had gotten the St. Joseph lilies from the
altar at church the evening before that Miss Wakefield so very kindly
offered and you can picture how pretty each mound looked with its two
stalks of pure lilies. It is Memorial Day of course and before we left
many people had begun coming out. We drove around town in the same old
jog fashion and I had a satisfactory little talk with Mr. Gostey- just
to let him know that Theodora had gone to the University for the summer
work and could be easily reached by telephone. I like him ever so much
and feel sure he is doing his level best for the Payne estate.

Of course, Theodora has told you about the day or two here and calling
upon Aunty Carry and Auntie Sue and Mrs Ballou who are all well and
inquiring about you. The last commencement days were full of utmost
confusion a. The most delightful thing was the Promenade Concert - the
night was just warm enough mild and bright with stars - the dear Quad
was outlined with chinese langterns and San Francisco's best orchestra
gave the most beautiful music near the east entrance - the whole re-
minded me more of the World's Fair than anything else - all of the
short arcades were transformed into pretty booths where different sets
of girls met their friends and served refreshments. Prof.Allardice gave
a little dinner party just before inviting two Miss Risings-daughters of
Prof. Rising of Berkeley - who were visitinging the university, Grace Bars-
, a Mr. Stadmiller from S.F. Mrs Myrich for chaperone and myself.
It was the most charming dinner I was ever at- deliciously cooked and so
daintily served with Prof. Young passing the coffee or passing the cham-
pagne and Prof. Allardice carving the roast. It certainly takes men to
entertain beautifully. I felt very honored to have my first and last
promendde with Prof. Allardice and to have him escort me home.

In your last letter you asked about Mr. Pomeroy - he was assistant
professor in law last year but is now practising in the city and is a
great friend of the Myricks where I met him - he is the son of the
great law text book maker and jurist - don't be alarmed about him he is
harmless and likes to call and make himself entertaining. I find my most
congenial friends among the youngn professors - though the boys are lovely
yet their tastes grow toward freshmen girls as mine grow toward freshmen.
the faculty.

Mr. and Mrs. Teggart asked me to tea during commencement and I found
them spending a few last days in a dear little cottage before moving
into another still dearer little cottage just newly built - the have the
most rollicking sixteen month old baby - so intelligent and jolly - light
like the mother, but with the father's features. The tea was deliciously
cooked and served by Mrs. Teggart - Mrs. Maitland and her Helen were there
and the table talk was so bright and entertaining - all about politics

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