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[written] 26

[typed] Sunday April 25 '97

My dearest Nannie

I can't for the life of me think what date this is but it is
something and I'll find out before I mail this I hope. Let me see,
I can't remember what or when I last wrote nor a thing that has happen-
ed this week. Oh yes, Wednesday one of the bus men got a long bus and
took his four [illegible] and invited all his "patron" girls to go for a moon light
ride with Mrs. Baker to chaperone. We Epsilon Chis including all the
San Jose girls went and had a very fine spread by candlelight when we
got back. First we had raw oysters, then boullion then cold chicken,
and olives then hot chocalate and whipped cream with cake, and sliced
oranges then bananas and candy - Wasn't that swell? Helen Alice and
Miriam stayed from the drive to fix things for it It was very prettily
served the table looking very pretty in its white cloth and clever
blossoms in sprays and in knots for decoration. It was in Marylyn's

Saturday was intercollegiate fee field day and debate. Nearly
the whole university went down and as the fare was reduced I took
the opportunity to go and get a hat. Theodora met me at noon. With
her help I got a beauty at Coughlans. I had picked out one for 8
not very pretty. Theodora didn't like at all and elected a 12 or
15 one and got it for 10. It is very soft green satin straw with
quantities of beautiful La Franc roses all over the brim with black
wings and white bird of paradise plumes on one side and a to white
rosette. It goes exquisitely with my pink organdie and is so pretty
with all my things especially light dresses. I got me a pair of white
best gloves and that was all - but succeeded in getting very tired and
was very willing to come home on the 6:30 train. Theodora came home
with me and we had a jolly concocting a little supper in our room out
of the remains of the feast a week ago - boiled eggs in the chaffing
dish and made boullion.

I forgot to tell you that last Monday Charles sent me such a nice
box. I had writtedn telling him to send me a couple of chickens
thinking the feed would be Monday. They came in time and with them
a lovely chocolate cake, fresh lettuce and about two dozen eggs, all
beautifully packed. The chickens were boiled so that night we fried
them in a chafing dish, made lettuce sandsiches and had a jolly time.
We had lettuce sandwiches and the night of the ride too.

Friday when I was agonizing through my second hour of Chaucer
which comes from 2-4 Friday afternoon - there came a knock and Helen
appeared much to may astonishment. She and Edith Cullen were
down for a little visit at Mrs. Gilman's. Helen had come for me to
go for a ride with her, Edith and a Mr. Dully. Of course I went and
had such a lovely time through beautiful county till we readhed the
bay. We passed a wonderful hedge of white hawthorne and gathered
enough to fill the carriage. We also stopped at Sherwood Hall and Mr.
invested in roses and carnations for each of us. Helen slipped
into my hand a dear little volume of Max Müllers memories from Foreign

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