Untitled Page 510
[written] 18
[typed] Saturday morning - March 20 '97
My dearest darling Nannie -
Your note has just come, and this in return must be a short letter
just to wish you a thousand birthday happinesses and best wishes. I am
so glad you are going to be where you will have such a pleasant time.
There has been little of importance this week. Nothing at all aout
of the usual routine. Indeed it isn't the least trouble in the world
to write to my dear Nannie - it is the happiest habit I have - it is more
fun than a box of monkeys to get your letters and all of Epsilon Chi
loves you most as much as I do. Its heaps of fun to tell you about every
thing too. I only wish all the jokes and chaffing didn't sound so silly
on paper or I would write more of them.
Oh last Wednesday Commander Booth-Tucker and staff of the Salvation
army lectured here and lunched at Roble. Mrs. Baker asked Alice Colt and
me to help entertain them at luncheon - which we did with much interest and
amusement. Captain Booth-Tucker was an assistant governor of some Indian
province when he read a War Cry and became a Salvationist. He speaks
three different languages and quite out-quoted Prof. Miller and Prof.
Murray who were also at luncheon. His lecture wasn't half as pleasing as
Mrs. Booth's when she was here last year.
I send today Dr. Jordan's new volume "The Innumberable company and
other sketches" I am not sure whether I sent the Innumberable company
before or not. At any rate I hope the other sketches will be interesting
I am very disappointed in the volume as California publishers certainly
haven't mastered their art, but I hope it will carry to you some of your
Toodles hearts love.
This a is a day hesitating between clouds and sunshine - just three
years ago when the day was so glorious and full of sunshine and the
cherokee roses had their first buds that Mamma found and picked - in a
way it is a century ago and in another way but yesterday. The anniver-
sary of those days makes a very holy week.
I half expect Theodora to stay all night with me tonight but of
that I will write next time. Many of the girls have gone home for the
spring vacation, but there is too much to do to be loneseome. Wishing
the best of times in New York and the happiest of birthdays.
Your very loving
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