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[typed] Sunday - Jan.3-'97 [written] 10

[typed] When I told him how glad I was to see him, he said in his dogged
monotone "I am glad you exaggerate the case so", and I wanted to
hug him. Mrs. Baker is just the kind of dignified, helpful, loving
mother-spirit we need, and I know she will do the Hall a world of
good; she does not need the money and will exert all her Christian
efforts to make it an attractive home. Had such a pleasant call at
the Jordan's before I went to town. Mrs. Jordan is looking very
well & pretty & Dr. Jordan is positively handsome. Yesterday even-
ing Mrs. Baker, Theodora, Alice Colt and I spent in planning and
discussing the possibilities & future of the Hall and I feel that
the New Year gives promise of a richer more unselfish and therefore
happier one than any of the preceding three years. Tomorrow I spend
in making calls, and Tuesday is registration day. I am wild to hear
youu comments on the pictures and hope they are a pleasure to you.
The vacation on the whole has been very satisfactory, two more days
of sleeping will fit me for another term - thank fortune not my
last quite yet. A thousand wishes for all joy & peace and comfort
for your New Year.

Your loving

Forgot to tell you that I went to church this morning & had a de-
lightful service & good service. Have Barries Little Minister this

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