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[written] 7

[typed] Jan. 23 - '97

manner, just the kind of an old lady you would love. Prof. Anderson
and she are so mutually proud of each other. Prof. A. told us stories
and recollections of his three European tours. We had glimpses of an
always busy scholarly & sometime poverty stricken life with stories
old Mrs. Anderson inserted about her husband who was a clergyman &
& his courtship of her. Prof. A. showed his books and took us into
his study - a very cosy little room with a beautiful view and large
fire-place and lined with books with some picture of Cavel one of Mrs.
's beautiful butterfly studies and a picture of his little
girl. He afterward walked to the Tuculo Road with us, and I think
enjoyed the call as much as we. We walked home through the Stanford
grounds, left our cards at the Stanford door as Mrs. S. was in San
. We reached home in time for dinner and I went to bed

Helen has had such a beautiful Christmas present of a white satin
party gown. The corner of the front breadth of the skirt her mother
has beautifully embroidered also the long sleeves. The neck has a
frill of beautiful real lace and the bodice is of spangled accordian
pleated chiffon. She has another figured chiffon waist besides.

Don't worry about my money. Thirty dollars is plenty as room
and board cost 22.00 and the washing in winter is not much.

Mrs. Hudson inquired about you the other evening and she longs
to go east.

Next Sunday shall probably go to see Theodora.

My handkerchiefs are so useful and so much admired. Have you
ever read Sweet clover in the Rromance of the white city.


Jan. 25 - '97

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