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so she will get you gloves probably
tomorrow, if not yesterday. I am so glad
you have one of the unique calendars -
Gertrude gave me one and I expect to
learn a great deal from it. She also gave
me three dollars for a new purse. I am
curious to know your opinion of Prof.
[Brrn's?] book - The Vales of Languedae. I
liked his little introductory remarks and
tho't perhaps they might interest
you. San Miss Scott in San Jose - Gertrude
and I called on her one rainy evening
Everyone inquired about you and sent
love. Miss Scott is going to visit St. [Mathew?]
school for she wants points on the
machinary of boarding school life.

This morning I walked to Palo Alto
and back through the Stanford grounds -
it was beautiful.

I am writing in my
little pink wrapper which everyone
says is the most becoming thing I
wear and which certainly has given me
the most solid comfort of anything you
could have sent me. It is still such a
lovely pink and does not need washing
badly, for the wear I have given it.

Many wishes for a glad New Year from Theodora.

[page turned]
The [illegible] I go back to San Mateo.

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