Untitled Page 490
January 1st 1897.
My dear Nannie -
It seems very natural
to write 1897 - I think it will seem
strange only when 1900 comes. This
whole winter so far has been like a
beautiful spring season with a few except[ions?]
when it poured but seemed to be through
when it stopped and the atmosphere be
so clear and warm and bright between
times. Monday last I went to down to
San Jose' and enjoyed the Institute
discussions very much - but all
the Stanford profs. were there! What a
thing for Cal. this University - is and
will be can not be estimated. I
suppose Rose did not write you of the
scrape a fortnight ago at the Hall -
You see Mrs. Stanford put a matron in
who was thoroughly incompetant and
when at the beginning of my vacation
I came here. Rose and Helen together
with many other girls were much
desirious of leaving the hall fearing
something dreadful would happen and
[page turned]
I forgot to say anything about Christmas day so Rose will tell you
that. It was very quiet happy one however.
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